Someone Interviewed Me!!

I was interviewed by candiussell

1. Whats your #1 regret in life?  I guess if I had to choose my biggest regret, I’d, believe it or not, have to say your question 4….when I lost my virginity. I never quite understood how important someones virginity was until I lost mine. After that, when my friends would talk about wanting to lose their’s or something in that manner, I’d automatically butt in and say NO YOU DON’T!! When he took my virginity, he took so much more from me. It just sucks for me now becuz I’d much rather have given it to someone I truely loved and not just someone I dated for 3 months and thought "hey, he’s the one, having sex with him is going to be okay"…Poo on that!! Anyone I dated after him would have been more than welcome to take it becuz I love/loved the 2 people that came after him (Roger and Shanda), but I really regret that day becuz I didn’t love him and it made me feel like I was never going to be with someone special becuz no one would want a girl that wasn’t a virgin. 


 2. If you could change anything about you what and why?  Physically, I’d change my stomach and boobs becuz one’s big and the other isn’t. *lol* I guess Personality wise I’d change the way I handle things…I get mad about stupid, stupid shit. I feel like it’d not only help me out becuz I’d quit being stressed all the time, but it’d also help Roger becuz I’m always mad at him about something that I don’t even need to waste time on.

3. Have you ever messed around with a girl?  *grins* I actually dated a girl from January 2003-March 2004. So, yea I’ve been with a girl… *smiles*

4. When did you lose your virginity?  My virginity got taken from me at age 14. I remember every detail. That was a huge deal for me and it didn’t turn out the way I had planned. Bummmmmer

5. What would you do with the US budget?  Honestly, I have no clue. Maybe give schools throughout the country more money and help the people/places that actually need help get help. I’ve never thought about that question..sorry I couldn’t give you a better answer.

 Do you want to get interviewed?

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"

            2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. Only respond if you are willing to answer ANY question that is asked of you.

 4. Update your OD with the answers to the questions.

5. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else.


 Pretty sure that everyone I know has already been interviewed…..but I feel obliged to put that anyways!









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July 29, 2005

1. What’s your political stance? 2. If you had won the lottery what would you do with it? 3. What do you think is you biggest success in life? 4. *Random* Do you know the muffin man? Sorry, I couldn’t think of anyhthing else. 😛

July 29, 2005

hey, random noter! Interview me if you can! Im totally bored all the time and would love to be asked some questions!

July 29, 2005

ok: 1) A life lesson you learnt that everyone should know is… 2)What do you think about as you’re falling asleep? 3) What compliment do you receive regularly from people? Do you agree? 4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Does it differ from where you hope to be? 5) Describe yourself in 5 words. :o)

July 30, 2005

Hey! Do you care to interview me?? 🙂

I was just kiddin about you submiting me to Readers Choice. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.

July 31, 2005

Interveiw ME!! 🙂

August 3, 2005

wow plenty of interviews!! Look how popular you are hehe. RYN: Thanks for telling me about getting readers choice!!! I’ve been gone and so I didn’t even get to see it on there ;o( oh well…….