School Computer lab





I am sitting in one of the school’s computer lab right now. I’m not doing anything. My first class ended like 30 minutes early. It’s suppose to end at 12, but it end a little before 11:30…and my next class doesn’t start until 1…so I’m just surfing the net, being bored.

I swung by Roger’s work this morning around 10:15ish and saw him. I wanted to show him that something else has been brought ot my attention (the car situation)…but I just couldn’t even be a little pissed. Today’s my first day at my new job, I look so damn cute…I just don’t want anything ro ruin my day….BUT my night is a different story. I’ll talk to him tonight about it. Not too sure what I’m going to say, but I’m sure my mind will think of something.

I’m so hungry! I’m tummy started growling in my first class. *lol* I bought a bag of M&Ms just a while ago so maybe that will hold me off till 2:30…WAIT, I have to be at work right after my class so I really own’t have time to eat today. Damn!  Oh Well, maybe becuz of my busy schedule I’ll not eat so much and I’ll loose weight, then all I’ll have to do is tone it. *smiles*

Anyways, I’m about to go call Roger. …Okay I did and I talked to him for like 2.2 seconds and my cell phone lost its signal! Crap…Oh Well!! I need to go cuz a woman is doing something to the computers…the lab is closing for the day. I’ll write when I get home all about my eventful day. ….BYE!!

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October 21, 2005

I hope evereythong works out well!

I think it is bull that he lied to you the lst time with his profile bu with guys and cars its like them talking about the size of there junk they always embelish weather it is how much they know or how nice there car is I would confront him on it but to me if my hubby lied about his car to some unknown guys on the internet I would just make fun of him good luck with training today

i hope u have fun @ ur job & make sure u keep *smiles* on ur face @ all times! maybe i will see u, maybe not. we’ll see.