Puppy Fever


I bought a Chihuahua today!!! He is so cute and he’s not suppose to get any bigger than 7 pounds (if I feed him properly lol). Right now he only weighs like 1 1/2 pounds!! He’ll be 8 weeks old on March 10th….He was born on Jan 10, 2006….LOL….So Roger and I will celebrate his birthday the same day as our anniversarys. HaHa! At first I named it Squiggles….but then I got to thinkin and I changed it to Noah. I love the name Noah and as I looked at him, he looked like he needed a more serious name. I got Noah from my 2nd favorite moive of all time…The Notebook! 🙂 I took him to PetSmart and bought him a few things. Hell, he’s already spoiled!! I’m taking him back tomorrow to get a few more things though. Roger and I had a little disagreement today (before I purchased Noah) so I haven’t taken Noah by Roger to see him. I bought Noah for $199, but with tax and a bag of food the total was like $224.92….then I went and spent $42 at PetSmart. He is so worth it. I’m going to get a "puppy purse" aka a puppy carrier…but it’s gotta be boyish enough. I saw a kick ass pink one, but….I don’t want my Noah to feel girly. LOL!! Anyways, I’m going to bed. My little boy finally fell asleep so I’m going to lay down. Let’s see how Night 1 with the puppy goes! Wish Me Luck!

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OMG! My sister just got me a new puppy, and its seven weeks old!!! I relate to you, girl. They are soo adorable. Mine is a beagle. I think hes going to be a minature one, though. LOL!!

I warn you: Casey, my dog, whines pretty early in the morning. You have to kind of wear them out so they will sleep a while.LOL.

March 2, 2006

Aww hehe i love Chihuahuas!! you gotta post pictures of him!