Pathalogical Liar!





I just went to a car forum that Roger goes to alot…to give adivce on car and to get it. Well, I somehow found everything he’s ever posted (79 comments) and I read every one. He has lied so much about his car!! He’s telling people he’s put over like $1200 on like a certain thing…not just like everything, but one certain thing! BULL SHIT!!….He’s also posted that he’s drove to Houston Texas and back to Alabama without stopping. WTF!?! Okay, Where was I when he did this becuz I sure as hell didn’t know about it. Why is he lying to these people about his damn car? This definitely scares me becuz now I have more proof that he has lied before, but not to me this time. I know I shouldn’t really care what he tells those strangers about his car, but the fact that he feels he should lie to them and make him sound rich!! OMG….He also said he works 2 job, a mechanic by day (truth) and a repo guy at night….BULL SHIT!! How does that make him look "cool"…."Oh, I work two jobs, I have no life…all I do is work on me car"…LIAR!!

I didn’t catch him cheating on me *lol* but I did find him lying to people. What do I do? This kinda bothers me, but if I confront him about it he’ll ask why I was there in the first palce and why I was looking up his comments. Yall, I read all 79 comments and he only lied in about 5 or 6….but that’s still alot! Why’d he feel like he had to lie!!

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I’m sorry, but I honestly don’t understand how you can keep going back to this guy after the countless number of times he’s betrayed your trust. He is incredibly shady and clearly a pathological liar. Honestly, before I even read anything you wrote about him I saw his pic and thought,

“He looks like a complete player and a jerk.” My vibes about people are usually pretty accurate. This guy lies about everything, and I think you realize it subconsciously but don’t want to admit it to yourself completely. It seems like you’re not going to break up with him until you end up getting really, really hurt.

Sorry if my notes seem kinda harsh but I have such a bad feeling about this guy. I know his type and I can’t stand it. The fact that you are snooping shows that there is no trust……and what good is a relationship without trust?

RYN: I don’t think confronting him will do any good. He will just come up with another excuse like the last time you confronted him. What’s the point? He’s not going to stop his shady behavior just because you call him out on it. I know this whole car thing doesn’t directly relate to you, but it shows you what kind of a person he is…

…don’t you want your boyfriend to be someone who is honest and has integrity, someone who has values? I can’t help but think that someone who lies to other people is bound to lie to you at some point. I’m glad you’re not offended by my notes 🙂 I’m just trying to give an honest opinion.

October 21, 2005

ryn- thank you for your note. I am sorry you were lied to, i’ve been there and the feeling sucks. i hope things get better for you.

October 21, 2005

hmmm, honestly hun this is why im not going out with this one guy, cuz he keeps lying to me, and i know u love roger and all but honestlty u need sumone that will treat u wih respect… if u dont want to loose roger than i suggest u talk to him and change him! *hugs* good luck!