November 26, 2005


Okay, so maybe Thanksgiving wasn’t that bad, but I just think it could have been better. We didn’t eat until around 5pm and by that time Roger had came over and decided he was going to eat some Thanksgiving dinnner since he had already ate Thanksgiving lunch. My dad did end up getting us a few slices of turkey (yay!) so everything tasted good. We had potatoe salad, sweet potatoe casserole, eggplant permesian, keish(sp?), greenbean casserole, and of course the minimal amount of turkey.

Yesterday I did NOT get up early and hit the sales, but I did eventually get up and go to WalMart and buy a few things. HmMm…I got Roger a 3 month subscription to XBox Live and a XBox memory card. Because I can’t stand keeping anything from him, I ended up giving them to him last night. Okay, now I really didn’t have anything to wrap and give him for Christmas…*lol* After I gave him those 2 gifts, we rode over to Hannah’s house and while her husband and Roger play Xbox, Hannah and I go back to WalMart. There I put a pair of badass green shoes and a car seat warmer on layaway for him and I ended up actually buying an electric blanket and a back massager (one of those little wooden ones and have little wheels on it and you just roll it across someone’s back). I am kinda pissed off though becuz I was going to buy him a digital camera with a video recorder on it and today his mom tells me she got him one of those!! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! And him and his granny rode down to Graceville Flordia today and she buys him this expensive ass paintball gun….Like he goes paintballing every weekend!! NO! He’s been like 2-3 times!! And she also gave him the money to go to Big Lot tonight and buy him a new computer desk…OH but by the way I have to take him to go get it becuz it definitely won’t fit in her car and definitely won’t fit in his, but becuz I have the Blazer with the fold down seats, everyone uses me for my FUCKING car!!!

My Christmas is going to be ruined becuz I have nothing to get him! Not a paintball gun, but a camera, nothing for his car (cuz I don’t know what he needs/wants)…so really I’m screwed. I was going to get him a couple little things then give him that camera as the big gift, but screw that now!

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November 26, 2005

aww shit that sucs.. why dont u like take him out or sumthing for a night? *hugs*