Not Ready Yet :(


gosh…i start back to school on monday! i’m not ready yet. *lol* i’ve been out since december 13 and i just want another week!! it’s crazy to even think about this being my second semester as a college student. i paid my tuition 2 days ago…it was $1170. I registered for my classes and here they are :

Mondays & Wednesdays

English 102 ~ 8:00-9:15am

Psychology 200 ~ 9:25-10:40am

Tuesdays & Thursdays

Oral Speech Communications ~ 9:25-10:40am

Math 091 ~ 1:00-2:45pm

those are the classes i am stuck with until may 4th. i’m not sure if i wanna take maybe 1 or 2 summer courses…my dad said it was up to me, so i’m thinking about it. one way to finish a little faster i guess. we’ll have to see. i havent work in freakin 2 weeks!! my boss said she’s gonna work my ass off the next 2 weeks which kinda sucks becuz those weeks are gonna be my first 2 back in school. oh well…if it gets to where i cant handle it, i’ll just tell her.

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January 5, 2006
January 5, 2006

Im dreading going back to school too..I start back the 18th…Its so good being on break..i dontwant to start back either!!!