Look At My Booger!!

^ This is Booger’s new home!

^ Meet Booger….

^He’s trying to figure out how to drink from that tube thingy. I don’t know if he has figured it out yet or not. I hope so!!

^He was exploring everything…he burrowed under the wheel and has made a bed.

^ This is him starting to burrow a bed under the wheel

^Not quite sure what he’s suppose to do with the already made burrow bed.

^Say bye to Booger for now…..












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The pics didn’t come through 🙁

July 15, 2005

How cute! 🙂 Several years ago, my sister and I had 7 gerbils. We ended up with that many because my mom decided that our all black gerbil named Denzel(he was originally my mom’s boss’s kid’s pet that they had named that, so we just kept the name)needed a friend because she thought he was lonely. Little did we know, Snowflake(an all white gerbil)was a girl and they ended up having 5 baby gerbils.

awww… that is sooo cute