Long Time No Write…


OMG…I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve wrote in here!! Not alot has happened since then though. New Year’s Ever I spent the night at Roger’s house. I was hoping I’d get to bring in the New Year with a "bang", but all I brought it in with is a cute guy snoring so loud! *lol* As soon as my clock went to 12:00 I kissed him a couple times and he managed to tell me he loved me *smiles* and then went right back to sleep. BLAH! Oh well.

Last night I spent the night at my friend Hannah’s house cuz the weather was SO bad I did not wanna drive home. I got up at 7:30 this morning and came home becuz Roger had to come to my house and pick up some things. Him and his friend Tommy and like 20 other people were gonna try and meet up today and four-wheel all day. Roger’s four-wheeler is at my house and he planned on using my dad’s trailer to pull it with. And his "four-wheelin" jeans, shirt, shoes….and equipment (helmet, gloves, jacket) were also at my house.

The weather is horrible!! It’s been raining since yesterday and it’s lightening and thundering and I’m worried about everyone….more so about Roger though. Boys will be Boys. *lol*

Well, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year’s Ever/New year’s….wondeful, but safe!

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January 2, 2006

Happy New year’s

happy 2006

To be truthful, I would have rather stayed at home and sleep away the new year to! I hope the weather clears up down there. It’s been all rainy and crappy in Illinois to, but it’s been pretty warm (like 50’s) so I’ll take the rain with the warmth. HAHA! Hope your new year rocks!

January 5, 2006