Life….what a drag!





the weather is shitty.

my room is almost finished.

i still have to purchase a bed and dresser.

I am kinda pissed becuz I had a few people tell me they’d help me when I started to paint my room. Yea Okay…I’ve had 3 people help me….and both only got to stay like an hour. I’m not complaining, well I guess I am, but not about how long they stayed it just pisses me off cuz if I would have known I was practically having to do my room by myself then I probably wouldn’t have done it. Hell….I thought at least Roger would help me more than he has. I know he works though so not a HUGE deal….but for some reason I thought he’d do more. Oh well at least when it gets finished I can honestly say I did almost all of the work.

Other than my room my life is getting frustrating. Mon-Thurs I babysit this 3mo old baby girl usually from 11:30-4:40 or 5. Joycelyn (the baby) is spoiled! She is use to being help 24/7 and I CAN NOT do that. If there is nothing wrong with her, it’s not gonna hurt her to cry…maybe even cry herself to sleep! BLAH! My dad told me I should have never obligated myself to keeping her becuz I am 19 and don’t have a baby and I shouldn’t be tied down during the day. If I wanna get up and go somewhere I shouldn’t have to worry about packing a diaper bag and making sure I packed everything. Whatever.

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May 11, 2006

Aww im sorry u didnt get as much help as u wanted! but like u said u can say you did most of the work! *hugs*

It is YOUR room, right? So no one should really be obligated to help you. And a three month old baby, is going to need attention, that is what babies require. Sounds to me like you are the spoiled one. Maybe your dad was right you shouldnt have taken the job, you should be able to do whatever you want whenever you want to, because that is what princesses get to do.