In Love With a Friend!?!….

*Okay so on myspace Roger posted a bulletin and this is what it said :ok all u have to do is pick a number than type ur dirty secret then re post. i’ll start

1 i want to get laid really bad
2- me to i want to get laid really bad
3~ i wanna get laid really bad LOL this is fun
4 you need 20 bucks and go to a corner
5 I’m at a point in my life where I am confused and scared
6 I’m scared of love.
7 I’m scared that i will never get married
10 – i yell everything i hate about myself in the mirror for hours at a time
11 Im still like him even though he hurt me
13-I threw away the love of a lifetime because Id rather be the tinman but I want him back.
17 I have commitment issues
19 i
20 I’m scared that no guy is going to truly love me
23 I dont love the girl I’m with, infact Im in love with a close friend of mine and cant tell her
25- I say i dont care that my best friend is dating the one that I love but i truly hate them for it
27- I love my best friend and cant do anything about it!
31 I’ve been lied to straight to my face and the sad thing is I know it and won’t do anything about it.
37 Most of the time my socks don’t match
43 College is stressing me out to the EXTREME
50 Im waiting for youUH OH! I believe I figured out his  "dirty secret"!! I am 98% sure that #23 is his!! Why do I feel so certain about this? Becuz lately…Roger has been talking to Shelby (his good friend) on myspace and for some reason I think it’s her!! Here is a pic of them at their graduation back in 2004 (yea, they went to the same school and graduated together)…. 

That’s a really good picture of them…..but umMm…now I feel alittle….threatend by somebody I really liked as a friend. Shelby is really sweet and such a real person and now…I’m not sure if she’s shady or if this is all Roger. I’m talking with her on myspace right now and she says that they (her and Roger) haven’t talked since the other night, which I knew about, and that she doesn’t think it has anything to do with her. Riiiight!!Maybe I’m just over reacting again like I do all the damn time! For all I know it could be #5, 6 or 17!! Those fit him too, but becuz of everything that has went on lately….all the lies coming out and the truth being told….I feel like once again something shady is going on and it’s right in front of me!!…. OK….so now what do I do?





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December 13, 2005

*hugs* i honestly dont know what to say….i really hope thats not true…

December 13, 2005

Well, you are jumping to lots of conclusions, I think. First: are you sure he posted anything at all, really? How do you know he did? Doesn’t he realize you read his myspace–would he be that stupid to post something like that in the first place? Secondly: You said there are a few other possibilities on the list, as well. So, I wouldn’t get too freaked out yet. I’d suggest…asking him about it.

December 14, 2005

Well, I guess in that case…you still can’t know for sure if it was him. You could just watch for other signs and try to talk to him about it (not about the myspace thing but his feelings for the friend) to see if that shines light on anything… I hope he didn’t write that one.