Happy One-Hundred To Me!!

Well, I told everyone I probably wouldn’t write until today (Sunday) becuz I wanted my 100th entry to be a happy one. Okay here goes…..*****************So all this week I’ve been completely miserable becuz of Roger and me separated. He wanted to to his own thing for a week, the week was suppose to end today. I’ve been doing everything to keep my mind off of him, but nothing seemed to work!! Everything little thing reminded me of him. Yesterday after work, Roger headed up to Troy to spend the night with his best friend Dan. I was a bit upset becuz I wanted to go, but he stood by his word and went by himself. *mean ass* Roger, Dan and some other people ended up going to a drag strip about 20 minutes from Troy. I thought about him all night. He said they didn’t leave there until like 5 this morning. I didn’t go to bed until like 4:30 this morning. So since I went to bed so late (or shall I say early?) I didn’t wake up until 2:40 this afternoon!! I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and started running some bath water. I just wanted a HOT bath becuz I knew today was the day Roger would decide if he still wanted to be with me. Well, I turned my radio on and I just started to get undressed when I heard a knock on my door. HmMmM…who the hell was suppose to come by my house today? Well, I put my shirt back on and I walk to my door and unlock it and open it….ROGER!!!!I was so excited, but I didn’t want him to see just how happy I was, I smiles and I believe I grabbed him hand and kinda brough him inside. I walked in the bathroom and turned my water off. I was almost embarrassed that he saw me kinda for the first time in a week when I just woke up!! My hair was half up in a ponytail and half down and everywhere. *lol* He’s seen me like that before though. We sat on the couches (separate) and talked for a little while about what he did last night. All I could do is smile, I was so happy!!! I ended up taking a shower while he played his xbox….looked like he missed it!!After I showered, we walked back to my room so he could see Booger and also see some boxers I bought for him to keep at my house cuz he always seems to need some. We came back here to my room and I just laid on my bed….he laid with me!! He held me!! And we kissed so passionately!! He was hugging me and he told me missed me so much, but he really needed that time to himself….that it did help. Of course we had make up sex. *smiles* Much needed!! He had a week’s worth of sexual frustration built up, but I’m glad he took it out on me…it was GREAT!!It feels so good to not be depressed anymore! I feel great! I haven’t really ate for the past 21/2 days….then all of a sudden I had an appetite today!! my dad and his fiance were cooking out tonight, MmMm….steak! So Roger and I rode over there and ate with them. It was so good!! While my dad was outside grilling the steaks, Lori (his fiance) and me were talking and she asked me if Roger and me had made up and I said of course. She told me she was messing with my dad and told him were were probably having make up sex at my house!!! *lol* If only she knew!! Lori is freakin awesome!! I’ll have to get some pictures of her and post them. So Roger and me are back together. *****************I start college August 22nd…..I’m excited, but a little nervous. I’ll get over it. Next weekend I’m going to get my belly button pierced. Roger’s going with me for this piercing. I wasn’t dating him when I got my  "downstairs"  pierced, he was in Troy when I got my nose pierced although he did see me like an hour and a half after I got it done….so I definitely want him there with me for my belly button. I think if I can get my nose pierced, I can get my belly button done, or at least lets hope so!! *HaHa******************I LOVE ROGER!!!!



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RYN: you might want to check your memory, bud. i’m from oregon but you and i already talked about that like a month or so ago…lol -Cassie

August 14, 2005

YAY! Happy one-hundereth entry to you. 🙂