Good Morning.





So where I live it is 8:17 AM. Why am I up this early you might ask?….Becuz I had to take Roger to work. I had to be at his house at 7, but I got there a little early so we could swing by McDonalds and get breakfast. Usually on Mondays I won’t get up till 11:30 becuz I have class at 1.

So good morning everyone. Hope every slept good!


Good night yall. Hope everyone sleeps good! (for the people in different time-zones *lol*)

Anyways, back in Septmeber, when Roger and me split up for a week, it was becuz he felt like we were spending too much time together and never had time to do individual stuff. Well ever since we got back together…all we do is stay together. Last night I asked him if he felt like he was getting tired of me again and he said no, why. I told him that I’ve been a little needy and clingy to him lately and I just didn’t know if he was getting that "feeling" again. He said no that its okay. So I ended up telling him that if he starts to feel as though we’re spending too much time together again, to just tell me and we can work something out….but not to spring another separation on me. He smiled and said okay.

Ever since we got back from Oregon (Oct. 2)…him and I have been together every single day!! As soon as I get out of class at night and leave school, I go straight to his house. On the weekends, he usually comes to my house and we do something. Maybe he’s realizing how much he truely loves me. HmMmM….something to think about.

Guess I’m about to go. No use trying to go back to sleep, I’ve already ate breakfast and read the newspaper (*lol* I sound like a little old woman!). Guess I can just watch TV and take an early shower….get ready for school alittle early today. I’ll write again later tonight. Bye!!

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October 17, 2005

i enjoy your candidness regarding all things romantic and sexual. =)

October 17, 2005

🙂 hope u have a great day!

ryn: take away

i saw u 2nite my heart was beating so fast i wanted 2 say hey or something but i wasn’t sure how u wud react seeing how u have nothin whatsoever 2 do with me & my g/f was with me & she wudn’t of liked that i don’t understand y we can’t b friends like we use 2 b. what exactly did i do 2 u? all i can say is that i’m sorry. plez talk 2 me or email me. do something. our friendship meant sumtn 2 me.

October 18, 2005

Being all in love is so lovely. <3 *random noter*