Good Chance

My interview was suppose to start at 4, but I got there about 10 minutes early so we started the interview early. My interviewer’s name was Aaron and he was very sweet. Right away he commented on my  "bubbley"  personality. He said I smile alot and he liked that. We went into this room and sat down. Right away he asked me if I have ever been arrested for anything and I said NO. He then asked me if I currently worked anywhere and again I said NO. He asked me why I quit Hardees back in September and I said after school activities and he asked if those activities were personal….no….and I said that I was involved in some school clubs and some of the meetings were mandatory and I couldn’t juggle working and club meetings. Aaron said okay….. and smiled.

Then he let me know that the position that they’re hiring for is part time and he couldn’t promise me if it would later turn into a full time job. I said that was actually perfect and would fit into my schedule great. Aaron asked if I was fixing to start college. Yes Sir. I said I start sometime in August. He agreed that the job would fit me pretty good becuz when I wasn’t at school I could work. Yep that’s how it looks, huh?….

Again, he commented on my personality and on my smile. He said he likes a girl that smiles alot and expresses when they’re happy. My personality would definitely help me in this job becuz I have to socialize with people…after all, it is a video rental store. He also said I looked very nice today. He really liked my necklace and tried to guess when I got it from. He guessed wrong….LOSER!!

I was slick though. I felt like he was hitting on me and I consciously knew he was so I worked in something like  "my boyfriend and I come here at least twice a week and rent movies….I love movies!!….." How slick was that?!? *lol* He still talked to me like I had never said the word BOYFRIEND, but maybe I’ll bget the job. Roger wants me to get a job, but after hearing about Aaron, maybe he’ll still want me to work there. Aaron said he had a couple more people to interview this afternoon, but I have a very good chance. He could tell I wasn’t putting on an act for him, I was being my  "bubbley and smiley"  self. Okay, whatever dude…..So YAY for the good chance!! Hopefully I’ll be getting a phone call from the place saying please come work for us!!!


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Ryn Your welcome. Thats good. No, I dont. Cool. Oh.

July 2, 2005

i only deleted because i keep notes from friends not ugly bitches so leave me the hell alone cunt

well good luck with that. and i know i’ve already called u and said thanx but thanx again, i appreciate it soooo much. i hope everything works out for u and u get to feeling better. much love.