Full Time & Part Time….


I’m officially in my 2nd semester of college. I started Monday (01/09). It was alright. Guess what I’ve already done. I didn’t go yesterday or today. Oops!! LOL!! Yesterday morning I got up at 6 something, took a shower…threw my hair up in a half ponytail and then checked my myspace messages. Some girl has been emailing me about Roger cheating on me with her. Don’t wanna get into the details, but anyways….yesterday morning she had sent me a message and after I read it I felt so sick to my stomach so I laid back down. My first class didn’t start until 9:25 so my intentions were to get back up like 8:30 and go to school. But when I woke up I felt like shit. My body felt weak and my mind was not in the right state to go to school! I slept until like 12, maybe 1 until Roger showed up at my house and came back to my room and woke me up. He was worried about me. I didn’t eat hardly anything, I wasn’t really talking…I was like a zombie. We were going 4wheelin yesterday over in Georgia and on the way there I just started crying!! I’m talking bout my face turned all splotchy red and my lip was quivering!! LOL!! And he pulled over on the side of the road and asked me what was wrong and I told him what the chick had said this time. (he’s read the other emails…and of course he denies it) Finally he made me feel better and the day was pretty good. Yesterday was our 1yr and 10 mo. anniversary! So I’m a full-time student and girlfriend!

I haven’t been to work in like 3 weeks!! …okay 2 and a half!! The week after Christmas my boss gave me a week off so I could get things for college read and chill out for a bit. I was suppose to be put on the schedule for the past 2 weeks, but becuz I’ve been so busy between school Roger, and my fear of being cheated on…I have not thought about taking her my damn school schedule. Well I went by there today and we talked and everything is good. I still have a part time job (yay….can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?) and I actually work tomorrow night from 5-9…but possibly 10:30!! UmMm…I don’t think so!! I’m gonna tell her my dad already had plans for us for tomorrow night..and how we didn’t think she’d put me on the schedule THAT fast! Kinda pisses me off though! I need the money, but that’s a little too soon. Oh Well…. So I’m still stuck with a part-time job!

This Saturday Roger and I are going to rent a hotel room but not just any hotel room….a SUITE!! I’m so excited! The one I’m paying for costs $105.99 + tax a night….it has an oversized bed and an oversized jacuzzi tub!! WOO HOO! There’s gonna be a lot of fucking that night! LOL!! Sorry….! Anyways. I’ll write again later probably tomorrow.

– Ashley

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sorry she is messing with you and have fun in your suite i want to do that for mine and my hubby anniversry this year we have themed rooms here there so nice

January 12, 2006


January 13, 2006

Been a while since I last noted. Good to see you and Roger are doing alright. šŸ™‚