Cutie with a Booty


I just felt like describing myself to yall in the title! *lol* I’m just sitting in my school’s computer lab being bored as crap. My class doesn’t start till 5:45 and it’s only 4:50. Guess I should do a quick update about Roger and I.

The other night when I "broke up" with Roger, he pissed me off about the email account password that Holli (his ex) knows. It’s cool that she made him that account while they were dating and its cool that she had it back then, but not now! I’ve told him about 1000 times to change it. Well, I told him that night that if he wasn’t going to change it I was going to break up with him. He looked me straight in the eye and told me he wasnt going to change it and that I needed to do what I needed to do. So I got all my shit together and he looked at me and said where are you going….DUH! I went home. That night he was on MSN and I IMed him and told him to tell his mom that I’d be by the nex day to get all my shit. He didn’t like that too much. He then told me he’d change it as long as I didn’t have to know the password. I said fine, but I made him swear on his Granny’s life that he wouldn’t tell Holli either. I wanted him to be the only one that knows it. Is that unfair? I don’t think he’s changed it yet….I’ll probably say something to him tonight.

Other than that, we’re okay. Every night I go over there after class. We usually sit on his couch in his room and he plays XBox and I just watch him. I’ll start to get tired so I’ll go curl up in his bed….and he’ll be right behind me. I always set my alarm clock on my cell for like 2-3 hours and him and I just fall asleep cuddling each other. It’s so sweet! I just can’t stand being mad at him over something I have no proof of. He could have changed his password and just hasn’t told me. I don’t know.

His mom and me did have a really good talk the other day!! She straight up told me that if I don’t like how Roger is treating me to just end it. I shouldn’t be WEAK for him and I should stand up for myself. She knows he’d go insane if I ever broke up with him and she said he’d probably come running back to me. She’s never seen him this in love before. I need to show him that I can live without him if I have to. He is bi-polar too (which i already knew) and she said when he starts to be mean and get an attitude I need to stop him and tell him I’m not going to sit there and take it. She said plenty more great advice, but I don’ wanna write about everything. I feel as though her and I bonded that day. Sounds corny, but it meant alot to me that she told me all that. His mom actually sided with me.

I do have to give her credit, the one thing she did teach him that actually stuck in his head : NEVER HIT GIRLS!! No matter what, walk away!….He has never hit me and I have made him mad!!!….He has thrown a plastic cup at me when we first started dating, but now we look back at that night and laugh our asses off!!

BLAH! It’s only 5:08! I’m tired and cold and I don’t want to be here!…OMG last night on my math test I made a 41/F!!! It wasn’t a pop quiz…I just didn’t study. I hate it! I don’t know how to turn decimals into fractions and fractions into percentages and percentages into decimals!! Who the hell needs that?!….Even though I am majoring in business and will probably use numbers quite a bit….but gee, hopefully I’ll be able to pay someone to do all that shit for me! *lol*

Yall, I really want to make over my diary…know any good makeover people on here?!? I want a new background, front page, colors…just a whole new theme! Please leave me their name if you do.

Guess I should start walking to my class even though it won’t take me 30 minutes to get there. *HaHa*

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October 26, 2005

Sorry about you and Roger fighting and all. Me and my boyfriend do that all the time, lol. 🙁 I always change my frontpage. I just steal peoples layouts. hah. <3

October 26, 2005

J makes me mad like that to. But I understand how crazy it is to be in a relationship with a bipolar. I see J go through it and I feel so bad for him. Luckily he’s kinda laid back so he just lets me freak for awhile and then I chill and apologize…boy do I need meds 😀 The town he’s going to is like Oneonta, but not really…it’s like 10 mins from there.

if u think that ur ready 2 c me then let me know & i will bring u those pics. whenever, wherever. ur choice. u know that it doesn’t matter 2 me.