College Freshman!!





today was my first day as a college freshman!! i was so nervous!! my first class was from 1-1:50. i got up there at like 12:20 so i could find it and not be rushed. that class was english 101. that class seems like it’s going to be fun. the teacher was very nice and explained everything on the syllabus. he was very clear about everything and told us as long as we showed up to class, we were gonna be in good shape. YAY!!!

after that class ended, i went back to town and bought roger and me some lunch from checkers. i went to his work and we sat in the office and ate it and talked a little bout my class. they were busy so i left. i then went to the mall. i bought a pair of fuzzy flip flops for $3 bucks!! they are black. well i get out to my car and put them on. they are so comfy!! after i did all that it was only like 3 something….my next class didnt start till 5:45… my next stop : wall mart!

i bought like $35 worth of shit! i bought a couple school supplies. i bought 2 folders, a box of black and blue pens, straws (not for school), a little travel size thing of lotion for my car, a thing of AA batteries, a little bottle of water, and a little notebook (only cuz it came with a braclet…it says strength. *lol* half those fucking notebooks didnt even have braclets!! i was pissed. stupid theives!!

it finally gets time for me to go back to school. i met my friend melissa up there. her first class started at 5:45…*blah* she helped me find my class and we said our good byes. 🙁

my next class was oral speech communications. oh joy! my teacher is a fucking nut! she is weird, very weird!! she loves to talk with her hands. everything she said she had to move her fuckin hands! i was a little anxious to get outta there. well, towards the end of class she paired us up with someone. she paired us alphabetically by our last names. mines a D…the person that came after me is an E….

HIS name is richard, but he goes by his middle name, cass. our assignment is to i guess interview our partner and then next monday we have to introdue them to the class and they do the same with you. we have to write out this speech of what we’re going to say and all this bull shit. first day of school and already all the other chicks arent very sweet to me cuz i supposedly got the only  "decent"  guy in the class. SORRY!! i didn’t choose him and he didn’t choose me!! i’m not gonna say is he f-i-n-e….but i will confess he is the best in the class out of like 23!!

like i said, we didnt choose to be partners though. i was scared roger was gonna get pissed, me already being paired with a guy, but he really didnt say much when i told him. he’s already let me know he doesn’t have time to worry about me meeting someone else out there. good, cuz i dont plan on it!!


i kinda need to go. i need to organize my partner’s informtation i got from him today. although he might be the most  "decent"  in the class, he sure seems like a boring person!!

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August 22, 2005

College is fun! Just don’t get caught up in the small stuff. It will all get better once you meet more people. Nothing is easy in the beginning, but after a while everything falls into place. You’ll be fine. Good luck with your classes!! Oh yea, and remember, study hard!! 🙂

August 22, 2005

Oops, I also wanted to say welcome to the college life, and I’m glad you had a good first day! 🙂

August 23, 2005

sounds like a fun day, i would have loved to go to collage. xxxx

August 23, 2005

I remember my first college class… I was so nervous, but I ended up doing pretty well in the class. I wish I was in college now, but that’s going to be put on hold for a year until we can get some money saved up and this baby out and settled. But have loads of fun in college, it’s so awesome!

August 23, 2005

Welcome to college life. It’s really not that bad after you get to know people. Once i found out lots of my friends were going to the same college as me, We were able to get some classes together. But don’t worry about people. You’ll meet other people who are better then that. So enjoy college life while you can before it’s over with. Like me, I will be done with college in Dec. Good luck..

August 23, 2005

UGH, i know its college, but i hated pairing up with ppl in highschool! have a great day!

August 23, 2005

LOL… yeah, i can’t wait until I actually start showing! I’m a very impatient person and this is killing me! But I do love being pregnant, minus the sickness!

August 27, 2005

Sounds like fun actually. My classes are online this sememster because of the “move” but i wish i were going to the class room, i cant wait for that type of interaction.