Book Costs



So I have 4 classes :

English 101, Oral Communications 101, Music Appreciation 101, Math 090

So naturally that means I had to buy 4 different books…well technically 5 becuz I had to have 2 for English. I ordered one of my English books and my Oral Comm. book off of Amazon. com and I got over night shipping which totaled out to be $167 and some change. I got it so cheap becuz we are preferred customeres. *lol*

Yesterday was the first day I had actually went inside the bookstore…let me rephrase that…yesterday was the first day I could actually get into the bookstore. I bought my Music and Math book and a folder for Music class and those 3 things came out to be $198.87!! Everyone else was pulling out cash, huge wads of cash, a couple of 100 dollar bills!! Hell no!! I would never in my life carry that much money around, especially on a college campus knowing if you accidentally dropped some, no on is honest enough to return it to you….they have shit to buy too!!

So, here I am paying with my credit card. My best friend! *lol*

Thank God they had my Math book in stock becuz I had homework in it already. Felt wierd sitting at my desk last night doing college math homework. I am in such a low math though, it feels like I’m in at least 6th grade. I suck at math!!

Awww….I feel so bad for my best friend Melissa!! She went to the bookstore hoping to buy her English book and they didn’t have any in stock!! so I told her to go to Amazon and check there and if she didn’t have a credit card, my dad would buy it and she could just give us the cash….she looked and no English book!! She even called a different college to see if their bookstore had it and they didn’t either. I feel so bad fer her!! I have no idea what she’s going to do. Hell, she’s even looked around campus on the bulletin boards for a used book and there’s not even one of those for sale.

Altogether I guess my books came out to be somewhere around : $365-370. Which honestly isn’t too bad. If I would have bought all 4 of my books from the actual bookstore, it would have been almost $500 believe it or not!! My freaking Math book cost $100 by itself, and it’s like a workbook!!! I guess it was so high becuz it came with a CD ROM. You can give yourself self tests and it gives you practice problems. Cool….

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August 25, 2005

Ahhh, books. the one thing i don’t miss about college. 🙂

August 25, 2005

ty for the notes….yea we’re not friends anymore…..guess they really can’t stand a “lier” oh well I guess………

August 25, 2005

I’m in the same sort of math class too… Math 090. But, I am in agreement with you. Textbooks costs a lot. I am taking 3 classes (I registered late), they come out to $159…. It isn’t bad, but still. What really upsets me, I need a strategies for college class, and that class needs a book. I need a book to tell me how to do well in school? No… that’s so dumb.

August 25, 2005

books are probably one of the worst things about college.its so crazy how much they cost and alot of college bookstores dont make much money off of them eventhough they cost so much.its the publishers fault!i hope your friend can share with someone until she gets her book.

August 25, 2005

College books! At least yours cost you 300 and some mine all together cost me $508.75. Now aren’t you glad that u didn’t spend that much on books like i did.. Well good luck in college..

August 27, 2005

I spent a crap load on books too and im only taking 2 courses…ONLINE! lol