An Essay For School



More Than a Brother

By: Ashley

Everyone has a best friend – maybe even two or three. I, like most people, have a close person in my life that I look up to and admire, but mine is a little different from other peoples. Unlike most, I grew up with the one that is closest to my heart. He and I have shared many memories, good and bad, throughout the whole eighteen years of my life. My best friend just so happens to be my brother. I admire my brother, Jed, because of his happy-go-lucky personality, his priorities in life, and the extraordinary achievements that he has accomplished. Jed’s personality is a one of a kind. His ability to put his problems aside to help others has always fascinated me. Although his life is chaotic and very busy juggling between school and work, he has never been caught without a smile on his face. It does not matter what mood someone is in, when he gets around them they’ll leave with a smile on their face too. It is in his blood to help others first. Jed can be sick and stuck on the couch or just enjoying the day, but no matter what the situation, Jed will try his best to make others feel his joy for life. Another admirable trait I find intriguing about my brother is how he manages his priorities. Even during high school, Jed never had a problem with putting his life in order. First and foremost there is God. My brother has been a devoted Christian throughout all twenty-four years of his life. He has never let anyone alter his religious beliefs. Secondly, there is his family. His hectic schedule leaves little time for him to drive home form college, but when he does my dad and I welcome him with open arms. After his family comes school and work. Jed has attended the

University of

Alabama for seven years now. He is dedicated to his education and is eager to learn as much as he can. While not in class, he can be found on campus in the English Department teaching his own class. He and I don’t have the same priorities, but he has shown me that it is good to organize the ones I do have so my life never gets too far off track. Finally, my brother inspires me as much as he does because of his numerous achievements in life. Straight out of high school, he went off to the

University of

Alabama . Since then, Jed has entered graduate school and is pursuing his PhD. I think of him as the Energizer bunny; he just keeps going and going. He somehow manages to focus on his education and his job, but does not loose sight of his priorities.

When I was younger, I thought my brother was a “nerd”. I then found out later that “nerd” is just an insult for smart people. I am proud to say my best friend, my brother, is a nerd!  Jed is the smartest person I know. He helps me with anything, ranging from school work to personal advice. The distance between us is hard sometimes; however I know he is just a phone call away if I need to talk to someone.

This essay was suppose to describe someone you look up to and admire….it’s due tomorrow that’s my essay!!….I loved writing this one!!…How’d I do?

PS….Sorry so long!



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It looks/sounds good. Your brother sounds like a great person.

November 2, 2005

OMG i give it an A+

i think that it is good. i use to have a crush on jed when i went to school!! sometimes i wish i was still in school even tho i hardly went. when ur dad found out about shanda and u, what all happened? i need someone to talk to about amy and me and i don’t know who else i can talk to.