amazing sex





this morning roger came over to my house to go 4wheeling. so when he got here we watch a bit of tv then he rode the 4wheeler while i laid out. damn the weather was perfect for laying out today! anyways, all throughout the day him and i had been very sexual …especially in the kitchen. lol! well after we finished doing our own thing,  we came inside and took a shower (separately of course… my dad was home) then went to town to get something for my car. after that we came home and watch more tv. eventually my dad left to go to his fiance’s house. YAY! finally roger and me could do something a little more than be sexual….we could have sex! lol. and oh boy did we!! i gave him head for a while and he seemed to enjoy that. then we had amazing sex. seriously, i lost thought of everything except of him and what was going on. my heart started beating so fast i thought it was going to pop right out of my chest. it was KICK ASS! every sensitive spot on my body was being hit and pleasured! after a while all i could think of was god please dont let this end!! it was truly great! breath taking. LOL!

guess i should head to bed. just thought i’d document this….

– ashley

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April 24, 2006

I talked to Roger last night and he denied every bit of yall having sex. So why would you lie about that!? That’s a bit patheitc not to mention stupid! I don’t think he was too happy about it either. You need to learn to type the truth Ashley!…It’s ok…not every couple has sex! LOL!…You’re funny! Might have to start reading your diary more. Bye… – Vanna

April 25, 2006

sounds fun!