Abso-fucking-lutely Okay! *pics included*





I’m so sorry for being away for so long! Don’t worry though…I am okay. I just havent been online in a while. Between school, work, Roger, and my family my life has been non-stop. I’m in the process of catching up on my faves. I’ve read a couple of them and I can’t believe how much I’ve missed! *lol* First I’ll post some pictures.

^ For some reason I think I look like a cat in this picture! *lmao*


Now that’s out of the way….guess I should write a little. The weekend of the 11-13, Roger and I drove up to Troy and spent the night with his best friend Dan. Then On Saturday morning (11/12) we all rode up to Birmingham for a little car meeting for "souped up cars", Roger felt like he needed to go. So we go and end up making a 3 hour drive into like a 5 hour drive. Yep we got lost becuz I read the directions wrong! *LOL* Oops…

Other than that, like I said I’ve been busy with school which is sucking! One of my teachers emailed me telling me I should drop her class with a little less than a month to go!! Fuck that! I can get her in so much trouble becuz a teach is not suppose to encourage a student to drop a class, they’re suppose to encourage them to do better and help them! HAHA!…I saved the email too!

Work – blah! I like working becuz hell it’s money, but I hate getting paid bi-weekly and I hate being seasonal help! My big boss did say if I keep up the good work, after Christmas she’ll make me fulltime. That could be a good thing. But whether or not i want to stay there is the question.

Family…HmMm….ain’t got nothing to really say. Lori’s (my future step mom) dad died so that has been something we’ve had to deal with. BUT Lori called my dad last night and started fussing with him and out of nowhere my dad told me that he might break up with her. More details later….

Anyways. I’m so tired and I’m about to pass out. Guess I’ll write again tomorrow.






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I really like how you have your hair in the third picture!

I don’t see the kittyness, but eh…that’s just me 😀 I hate being paid bi-weekly to. I spend all the money and have to go a week without any! HAHA! Take care.

November 22, 2005

Mrow? 😉 lol. You DO look like a cat!

November 22, 2005

your hair looks so pretty in those piccys. 🙂

November 22, 2005

*hugs* its good to hear from u!! take care!

does dan have rims on his car? just wonderin cause i thot i saw him friday night.