A Good Birthday


I woke up this morning around 9:15ish and got dressed and went and picked my friend Hannah up. Hannah, her neice Alissa, and her youngest daughter Kloey, and of course me all piled into my car and we went to the mall. We walked around and went to see my boss so i could give her a Christmas present. We ate at Chik-Fil-A and then we left the mall and went to WalMart. FUN!! She tried on clothes and we tried on shoes….which by the way we found some GORGEOUS brown little heels with gold sequins sewed onto them and OMG we had to have them, so Hannah buys her a pair and me a pair for my birthday. Isn’t she the best!?! After that we went back to her moms house and chilled out for a while.

Roger came over to my house and we just chilled. He took a shower, I did a load of laundry, then I got in the shower. I got all dressed up and looked really nice and we went out to dinner at LONGHORNS!! I wore brown pants, a brown and khaki sweater and my new gorgeous brown shoes! Tonight is the first night my hair has been down (as in not in a ponytail or up in a clip) in like almost 2 months!! I kid you not!!… So he said I looked very nice. His mom commented on my hair and said she loved it down and straight. Dinner was good. My tummy hurts now, but it was worth it.

After dinner we went to his house and watched a movie. Four Brothers. It was okay. Once the movie was over we fooled around and eventually had sex. It was good, but like always I didn’t have a chance to finish…OH but he did. *lol* We havent had actual sex in a few weeks…so I guess it was all built up inside him. Oh Well. Wow does he know how to give oral!! He needs no advice in that department! *smiles* Roger didn’t give me anything for my birthday…taking me out to dinner was my gift which is fine with me! Technically my Christmas present is also my birthday present…POO!!

I’m exhausted!! I’ll probably write tomorrow.

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I’m glad to hear that you had a nice birthday!

December 22, 2005

Glad you had a great birthday!!

December 28, 2005