Not dead … yet

just a quick note to let you all know i am not dead, although i am on the verge…

in the world of lia:
* hallie is still here… or maybe still isnt the right word, she has been gone for nearly two weeks, but with the promise that she is returning "in a few days"
* while hallie has temporarily left, desmond has not. she left him here whle she went on her little soul-searching mission. for those of you in OD world with two or more small children… hats off man, hats off. wrangling a 1-year-old was hard enough, throw in a 2-year-old and commence shit show ’08.
*marco and i are doing really well, after losing a few weeks to andrew-inspired depression (mine moreso than his). the longer we are together the more marco allows himself to be … himself. i am finding actual marco to be even better than the version he’s been pushing the last 2 years. actual marco may be less doting, but he is so much more fun to BE with.
*i hate sarah palin more with each passing moment….



inspite of my level of education and current socioeconomic background….

because i am fairly certain that god hates me (maybe for hating sarah palin?)




i believe we may be looking at unplanned pregnancy #2… feel free to respond with excitement, curiousity, horror, frustration, joy, sheer wonder at the failure that is my supposedly obselete reproductive system — you name it, i am probably feeling it

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