why i hate valentine’s day – a rage entry

valentine’s day is an awful holiday,
made for only a select few on earth.
it’s a burden to all men
and a cause of anxiety to all women
if freud were alive
i’m sure he’d be surprised
and find many ways
to explain why hearts and red
and even roses (with those thorns)
are really displacements of our
real affections for each other.
but they are just that
for why does it have to be a rose
or a card
just to say ‘i love you’
or ‘i’m your friend’?
it shouldn’t.
so i will never celebrate valentines.
its an awful day
one that makes more people miserable than happy.
that is no cause for celebration.

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It’s just another stupid day for companies to make money. I don’t even bother with Valentines day, because it’s such bullshit.