where have i been?

So, over a year since my last entry… here is a “quick” synopsis.

April/May 2005

-Finish school, including dealing dealing with the death of a student from a dorm fire during Finals week.
-Move out of dorm life FOREVER 3 days after graduation. This included packing everything from my room and Matt’s room into a moving van, driving to Atlanta to get all of our stuff from our parents’ homes out of a storage unit, then driving north to Indiana to move into an apartment. Oh, did I mention that my future brother in law drove the van 85-90 miles an hour in a 55 mph zone? Yeah, I had a near-panic attach watching that…
-After moving in and getting settled, going back to Atlanta for wedding preparations.
-Got married.
-Honeymoon in NYC!

June 2005
-finish honeymoon
-unpack and start looking for work

July 2005
-Get desparate for a job and go to a Temp Agency.
-Start work at JHB. I was hired to file 8 hrs/day, but after 2 days was moved to train to be Customer Coordinator for Crafts & Export accts.

August-November 2005
-Get used to working a 40-hr work week, gain 2 new accounts to begin learning the Grocery business.

November 2005
-Get officially hired-on at JHB as a Customer Coordinator. Acquire the West Coast Grocery region in addition to my previous accounts.
-Cook my first full Thanksgiving dinner. (Boy, is that a lot of work).

December 2005
-Get kittens! Annick (A-neek) and Eponine (Ehpon-een) enter our lives.
-Spend Christmas at home and get used to going to work at 10 degrees… Can’t remember the last time I was in that temperature.

January-April 2006
-Enjoy the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
-Get kittens declawed to save our clothes and furniture… and Eponine suffers brain damage from dying on the operating table and being revived. Begin rehab at home trying to teach her to stand, eat, etc.
-Everything at work changes: Responsibilities, we lose 1/2 our staff, so more work for everyone…

May 2006
-Continue rehabbing Eponine, but after weekly vet visits, we decide that she will never interact, be independent, be litter-trained, or see more than a few inches ahead of her. After a lot of thinking, we decide to put her down.
-Changes at work continue. I give up West Coast/Grocery and gain: Dollar Stores, Foodservice, and Closeouts, in addition to Crafts and Exports. Did I mention that now I’m doing the work of 2 full time people now?
-Celebrate our 1st year anniversary!

June 2006
-During a visit from my parents, we go out and buy another kitten to keep lonely Annick company. Maxine enters our lives – a huge bundle of energy that caught all of us off-guard.
-Get promoted at work to Customer Service Lead (in other words, Supervisor). But since this is in addition to my already full load, Let the 50-60 hour work week/6 day work week begin!
-Get scared I’m pregnant, but find out that my birth control (NuvaRing) is actually making me very sick, so I go off BC completely to try to get my body straight. (PS – no baby)

July 2006
-Continue working my butt off, especially since my manager is off the entire month and I am her back-up.
-Enjoy summer break with Matt by taking some weekend trips and doing some redecoration/rearranging of our apartment.

August 2006
-Enjoy a wonderful vacation to Bablo (Bois Blanc) Island with missing nine minutes, accompanied by Matt and my sister.

So there it is… hopefully current entries to follow. This is such an awesome/exciting time of life, and I really want to remember a lot of it when I’m old and grey.

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August 20, 2006

*snoopy dance!* welcome back (hopefully)!!!

August 21, 2006

holy cow. that does kind freak me out! spooky. and here i thought you were the only one with the dreams that wound up being true much later. 😀

Poor kitten.