So here I go again…

I got so distracted.

College happened. Boyfriend-fiance-marriage happened so quickly. Then all of a sudden real life was supposed to start and I wasn’t ready for it. I found a career to pay rent and buy groceries and support the husband. Five years later, I’m still there and he’s finally starting his career (grad school took a while). But his career is taking off so slowly, so I have to keep going.

I don’t want to keep going. I secretly hate my job. I work in marketing for a CPG company. Very prestigious and I’m really successful for my age and position. But I don’t give a crap, and that drags me down every day. This isn’t what I wanted. I hate consumerism, and here I am contributing to the problem. At least what I sell is a good product and I can support it. But I hate thinking of the world in $ and always selling more, making more. That’s not what life’s about. But it is what my job is about.

The plan was I was going to work and then immediately hop into grad school (once I figured out what I wanted to do) when the hubby was done with school. I grew impatient. So now I’m doing a part time online MA in TESOL (teaching English as a second language) while working. Now I have a future career while I act through every day of my current career.

Just what I always wanted.


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