random thought

Is it wrong that I actually laughed when I read that Steve Irwin died???

Now, before you answer, bear in mind that I laughed because I thought it was completely ironic that a guy who spends a lot of time with dangerous snakes and crocs would die from a stingray barb… it just seemed like a… much less violent death than I ever thought.

Ok, so it’s terribly wrong of me and I’m a awful for thinking that…

… but i won’t take it back.

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lol…my boyfriend actually laughed too. He said, “It’s funny how the animal kingdom has been after him for years, and now all of a sudden he dies from a stingray.” lol…you have a point. It is completely ironic…

September 4, 2006


September 6, 2006

heh. i always have inappropriate thoughts when sad things happen. the sadder and the most close to home, the less appropriate the jokes in my head. i’m a weirdo with bizarre coping mechanisms.

September 10, 2006

i thought it was a joke when i heard it so i slightly chuckled…then i turned to CNN and realized that it true. oops. and thanks for the note!

September 13, 2006

I laughed hysterically… so don’t worry about it!! It’s sad, really, but it was just funny to me. Serves him right… always pissin’ animals off… Thanks for the note btw. Vicodin rocks. I fell asleep in my friends front seat of her car sitting up normal… it knocks me out hardcore!!