proof that man is basically dumb

The stock market.

So man has developed a sophistocated system of trading money and shares of companies, systems that are inter-developed and work across the world. One stock market affects the others. We have certain stocks “groups” that we use as indicators of our monetary prosperity. And yet, to probably 98% of the world, the it is a black hole, where our IRA’s, stocks, bonds, hopes, dreams, and possibility of an economic future are held.

But have you ever looked at the stock market? Not what the prices are, but that big room where everyone shouts and waves pieces of paper? What about that big podium where 1 lucky person gets to play king of the world for about 5 minutes twice a day?

That’s the best part! Why in the world does everyone clap during those few, all-important moments? The king (or queen) stands there, like they’ve been awarded the ultimate prize, better than if the entire universe had been given to him or her. So the king or queen is standing there, looking around, knowing they are the center of attention, and they almost don’t know what to do.

Their royal court is behind them, in full and gratified support. There they stand, wide smiles on their faces as they stand, clapping insatiably for their king. Clapping, bells ringing, chimes sounding, people cheering — it goes on for almost a minute, until finally, the king picks up his royal scepter, and pounds it twice in front of cameras and his subjects.

What an incredible moment! What power is captured those precious seconds!

Sorry, I can’t write anymore. My own sarcasm has given me a bad taste in my mouth. I just think the whole spectacle is an embarrassment to all mankind…

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October 23, 2006

Hey, it’s better than the holiday shopping season at Wal-Mart.