My life as an un-snail

I never thought I’d be one of those people who just fills up their schedule with little hope for a break of free time… I’m very possessive of my free time – time to play games, nap, just waste my time. Unfortunately, I’ve lost almost all my free time. I’m taking 15 hours of classes plus I’m working three jobs… And, to be honest, none of them require a lot of time, its just the combination of them all into my schedule which has made my life… hectic, you could say. I probably work 13-18 hours a week, depending on what has to be done… I am a French tutor/grader at my univeristy (5 hours a week). I also work at a church nursery (4 hours a week). The most time-consuming and “inconvenient” job is my position as a research assitant for a special project my college is doing. It’s basically a two-person job, and I’m person number two… so I’m doing all the busy work… which can be a lot when I have to fit it into my schedule.

Enough about me that. I guess an update from the last entry would be nice. Well, Matt’s ring arrived just on time and we both fell in love with it. It was the perfect size and he felt it was comfortable. So we kept it. He’ll order mine this summer. 🙂

My healthy eating has continued, miracles of miracles. As my life got busy with the start of my new job, my exercise time has been eaten up.. and I’ve been too sick for the past week and a half to have the energy to exercise… soon, I hope to return to the treadmill and weights…

Oh, big news in the clothing department. I was given a sizeable monetary gift by Matt’s grandparents and told to go buy some new clothes so I could match Matt’s beauty in clothing (she took him suit shopping). I was shocked… so shocked I had to pull the car over and tell Matt to start driving – I also couldn’t speak for fully 5 minutes. (for my own future ref which no one will comprehend: #camels-2000.) SO, I went to Banana Republic and updated my wardrobe to look sophisiticated and well dressed… and wow the change is wonderful! I also found some stuff at the Gap (all on sale!) and Bass Outlet (yay for the sales!).

Then I went out and cut my hair for my new stylin’ clothes. I got some big layers in the front by my face and some small ones in the back – my longest hair is to my shoulder blades… It looks fantastic…

and right now, I’m eating Oreos. I shouldn’t be eating them – I’m sick… BUT… I haven’t had any since the second week of last semester, so I think I’m over-due.

(Lauren’s conscience: and why haven’t you had any since then?
Lauren: umm…
Lauren’s conscience: because you ate two packages in one week and got very sick for three weeks, remember!!!)

ignore that. I’ve been studying a lot of Freud in my psych classes… I think that some people overcriticsize him (and spelling…). Yes, he had some messed up ideas… but his ego defense mechanisms make so much sense. I mean, where would psychology be without him or the very idea of “repression” and “displacement”? I can’t imagine it.

I love psychology.

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February 14, 2004

enjoy the Oreo’s i think you deserve them. And congrats on the new duds and hairstyle is amazing how something new can make you feel so different about yourself!! Enjoy it!!