i got speakers

Last Thursday at work, I borrowed a laptop and hid in my bosses’ office to do my work. Sometimes I think she just wants me in there for company – she’s a people person. However, I’m not sure why its always me, because I’m a quiet person and I really don’t know what to talk with her about. We’ve very little in common. But then I think, if I were her, I would almost be a natural choice. I don’t bug her, annoy her, bother her, or ask stupid questions. In fact, she and I ususally agree on what’s dumb and what’s smart. She is comfortable with confiding in me — as much as a supervisor can do with a report.

Anyway, back to last Thursday. I was in her office 6 of the 9 hours I was at work. While working on the borrowed laptop, I actually jumped when it made a “beep” when I tried to make a table in Excel that was too big. (I love dumping too much information into excel — its an awesome challenge to say, “you think you can’t… but I’ll trick you into doing it!”). So, I jumped at the little beep, which was really barely audible. I made some comment about how weird it was to have sound on the computer — my desk computer doesn’t have speakers and I’m used to working on a silent computer.

She looked at me in surprise; she couldn’t belive I didn’t have speakers on my computer. She asked me if I wanted them – I said sure. Its not that big of a deal, but I thought, it wouldn’t hurt anything. She said “OK” and I didn’t think anymore of it.

And, surprise, surprise, IT delivered speakers to my computer today! I was too shocked – my boss is notorious for saying something and never doing it. She’ll say we should discuss something, meet about something, change something, and it never, ever happens. I mean, weeks go by and nothing more is said. So, something actually HAPPENED! In a TIMELY manner???


Don’t you love the mundane details of my life?

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November 15, 2006

😉 finally she comes through!