cant get this off my mind..

This morning i woke up having to get ready for school and my gma said “are you okay lily”. I answered but I dont think thats what she thought to hear cause i lied. She said i just wasn’t the same anymore like i used to, i used to always be so happy. Especially these last two weeks cause ive had a eating problem and always feel bad. I told her i’m just sick but she thinks i don’t like living with her and that’s not true i love her. She was my mother figure growing up and gma im sorry im different okay.. people changed me.

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December 2, 2020

I get that x I think its perfectly ok you changed, but that you need to tell her the truth <3 because she can tell when you lie, mine always can, she is just getting the wrong idea 🙂 It wil get better <3

December 2, 2020

You are 14 and hormones do a lot to your moods during the teenage years (even for boys). Think how different you were just three years ago. I promise you, you will be “different” by the time three more years have passed, and then different again in three more years. You may feel you have no control in your life. My advice is to relax and enjoy your young years. They do not last long…and control is not all it’s cracked up to be.  Your “job” right now is to do well in school and have (safe) fun. It may not seem like it, but you are having more freedom in some ways now than you ever will. Remember, your grandma and all the adults you know have been through this. The one thing you can do to help with feelings or depression or loneliness is to find something to do that you like. For me, it was acting. It was nice having like-minded friends and a passion that not only kept my mind occupied, but also made me feel I was doing something that was “me.” It’s good you are writing here. I’ve been on here for years, long enough to read about other young women who have looked back at their teenage entries with amusement over their angst — not that it wasn’t real at the moment. Even I, as a guy, look back and think, “if I knew then what I knew now…” 😀

December 9, 2020

My daughter is 14. I’m assuming you’re the same by your username. Each time I ask her if she’s okay. She lies and say’s “I’m fine, Why?” Or something along the lines. Thing is, when she’s not honest with my my mind starts to worry. I think the worst or guess entirely wrong and then I start nagging her and becoming that mom that nobody wants! When I worry it drives me crazy and before she knows it I’m wanting to be by herside at all times because I think I need to protect her from what ever is going on in my head, that I think might be wrong with her. I’d love for her to just say “I feel irritated for no reason” or “a friend upset me at school” or just the truth. That way I can relax and know how to help her. Even if it’s just to leave her alone for a while. You’re Gma loves you which is why she’s asking if you’re okay. Try your hardest to just let her know what’s up! I promise you it’ll help you and her both. Thanks for sharing your true self. It helps us moms and gma’s to better understand how to deal with our own loved ones. Take care.