You like to make me beg, you do

Here I sit, working on writing an entry for the first time in…what, two months? I just feel like I don’t have much that’s worthwhile to say anymore these days. I go through these bouts, so I’m not planning to give up OD at all. I still read each and every one of your entries and I do note when I have something to say. Have no fear. I’m still keeping up with your lives.

There hasn’t been a whole lot to say lately. In fact, I can’t even remember what I’ve written about over the last six months. So I think you’ll get a bullet-style entry. I’m sorry if I repeat things. I’m also sorry if I mention something new that you might not understand. Feel free to ask me to clarify, though!

*My deceased uncle’s house finally sold a few months ago. The house was on the market for about 7 months before a buyer finally came through and held up their end of the deal. There’s been no problems since the house was sold and that monkey is finally off my mother’s back. It was her brother who passed away, so she got the job of dealing with all of that mess.

*My Aunt Mary (my mother’s sister) was diagnosed with a terminal cancerous brain tumour over 2 years ago. She was given 2-5 years to live and after all the chemo, radiation and medications, it seems that her body is finally wearing down. Her memory is pretty much shot and she gets confused quite often. I hear she’s also in a wheelchair most of the time now because she’s weak and tends to trip and fall a lot. She has a nurse-type person come in during the day when my uncle is away at work, and this nurse woman helps her with daily chores, like laundry and meals, etc. My uncle (Mary’s husband) told my mother that the doctors had said if she was taken off any of the medications, they might as well call in hospice for short term terminal care because the drugs are helping to keep the tumour from spreading, so it’s giving her longer to live. It just doesn’t seem to be quality life there. I’m not sure what I’d do in that situation, but they all want to keep her on the meds, understandably. So my parents are thinking of flying out to Michigan to visit her this spring or summer. I most likely won’t be going. It’s a big family and they don’t need one more person hanging around. Plus, as sad as the situation is, I’m just not that close to the family. I’ve only ever seen that side of the family once a year for a couple days during the summer when they show up for a family reunion. So truly, it’s not like I’ll be all that upset when she passes away. She’s a nice lady, but it’s like hearing about your neighbour’s mother’s sister who you only met once passing away after a three year long terminal illness.

*Hurricane Sandy. According to every professional who drove through my neighbourhood, this exact neighbourhood was the ‘worst one hit’ as far as downed trees and downed wires go. We were without heat, power and hot water for six days. We didn’t have a landline phone for 10 days. Cable and internet were hooked up again after 12 days. Thankfully we had a generator to plug the cell phones and fridge into. We also had a grill to cook on, so we didn’t starve by any means. My only problem was trying to find something to do all night. My sleep habits are..odd. I tend to stay up all night and sleep all day, so not having the internet or power had me searching for things to do in the middle of the night that I could do in the dark. I spent all of my time reading for hours and hours, which was nice. The only problem was that I was reading depressing books that I needed to put away after reading, because after the 10th ‘Oprah’s book club’ book, there tends to be a bit of a down spiral and I needed a break.

I have pictures of the Hurricane Sandy damage for you if you’re interested. They’re on my Facebook page, but the album is set to ‘public’, so you should all be able to see them. Just click here for “Sandy” pictures.

*I think that might be it. I feel like I had more to say, but maybe I don’t! It’ll come to me if I do. Yesyes.


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Good to see an entry from you!

December 17, 2012

hey…i finally saw your entry to me. i don’t know what OD was doing, but i think i fixed it. :o)

*cheekrubs* Glad to see your name in bold 🙂

December 18, 2012

ryn: I tried it once before and they didn’t want to give me what the ring is worth. I mean, like only 100 bucks compared to the 1200 that we spent on it… so… lol I haven’t tried again. But if you know of anyone who needs a ring 😉

December 19, 2012

ryn: I’ve done craigslist, but it gets lost in the multitude of jewelry posts lol but yes, you can post the ring 🙂