You better get your story straight

I feel like writing, and as much as I do have to write, I don’t feel like throwing it all out there, so here’s another survey!

Are you allowed to eat in your room?: This is a fairly ridiculous question considering I’m 30 years old, but yes. However, I hate doing it. Call it a bit of an OCD issue. Food belongs in eating areas. *shrug*

Who starred in the last movie you watched?: Umm…Christian Bale. I watched “Swing Kids” (which I HIGHLY recommend).

How many texts do you send a day, on average?: It depends on who’s texting me and what the subject is. Generally I’d say 15 texts per day, give or take.

Which of the seven deadly sins are you most guilty of?: Sloth!

How many kids do you want in the future?: I used to want 12…prior to finding out how babies are born. 🙂 The number has since changed to 4.

What was the last thing you ate?: Umm…some kind of chicken thing. I have no idea what it was.

Would you rather drive a Porsche or a Lamborghini?: Lamborghini makes an SUV, right? I’d go with them. If I can possibly avoid it, I’d never want to go back to driving a car again.

Do you wear hats?: Never! I don’t do well in hats unless I wear them backwards.

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: Hm! It’s a toss-up between iced tea and Pepsi, I think.

Do you watch anime?: I’m kind of proud to say I’ve never seen it at all.

Spell your name using bands: That’s so hard…but ok! Ignore the fact that I have to smush some of the names together for it to makes sense.

Is your car a coupe or a sedan? Or maybe it’s a truck, van, or SUV?: I drive a pickup.

What are your school colors?: When I was in school, the colours were: elementary- maroon and white, junior high- red and white, high school-maroon and white

Can you walk in heels?: No! And I never expect to try.

If you could have a $1,000 shopping spree to any clothing store, which would you choose?:!

What were you last complimented on?: Oh gosh…my photos, I think.

Do you know a Michael?: Many, many. That was one of the most popular boys’ names when I was in school and it still seems to be.

What about a Shane?: Two, in fact.

Do you own handcuffs?: I do!

Whose car were you in last?: My own.

What is your favorite breakfast food?: I really don’t eat breakfast, ever.

Do you know anybody with a septum piercing?: I…don’t think so, but I could be wrong.

Would you rather pierce your lip or tongue?: I’m not against either, but I feel like personally, I’d constantly be playing with a tongue ring and I think I’m too careless for a lip piercing, so I’d choose neither.

Did you have a good dream two nights ago?: I can’t remember, unfortunately.

Have you ever been in a wedding?: The short version is…no. 🙂 The longer version is that I was supposed to be but my best friend ‘friend divorced’ me and kicked me out of her wedding and her life because she turned into a bridezilla.

What song did you last sing aloud?: Mariana’s Trench “Haven’t Had Enough”, which is where the entry title came from.

What did you last staple?: I haven’t stapled anything in years, I don’t think.

What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?: Fruit punch, oddly enough. The cap leaked.

Did your last kiss mean anything?: It really did. I’m glad it happened.

Do you like tattoos and piercings?: I do! I’d be fairly hypocritical if I said no.

Are you in a good mood?: I am. 🙂 Good music always puts me in a good mood.

Miss someone?: I feel like there’s always someone I’m missing, even if it’s just in the back of my mind.

Do you believe in true love?: I certainly do! But I also think you can have true love with friends as well.

Do you like to wear sweatpants?: No, and I haven’t owned a pair since I was in junior high.

Have you ever stolen a sign from a street?: No, but there’s a ‘moose crossing’ sign I’ve got my eye on.

Are you playing hard to get right now?: No! I hate those games. I don’t have time or patience for games.

Do you miss your past?: Certain aspects, but I wouldn’t be where I am without it and I feel like I’m better off now.

When did you last hold hands with someone?: A week and a half ago, I had to hold a little kiddo’s hand.

Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?: Nah, I’ve never cared too much about oceans or oceanic creatures.

Are you dating anyone right now?: Yeps!

Has someone smacked your butt in the past week?: No. 🙂 Odd question.

Did you speak to your father today?: Not yet, no. But it’s 5:45am.

When was the last time you cleaned your room?: I tend to do a bit of that daily, just to keep it tidy.

Have you lost friends in the past year?: Yes, and to be honest, I’m glad she’s gone! She was a complete loon.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?: I might go with an aquamarine colour instead of blue. But truth be told, I love my eyes.

When was the last time you hugged someone?: I sent text hugs to Alec a couple days ago. Does that count? I’m not a touchy-feely person.

Who was the last person that made you laugh?: Ashley!

Do you dance in the car?: Sometimes! 🙂

What is your favorite color(s)?: I love deep red, blues and silver.

How is your hair?: It’s up in a ponytail. I need to straighten it.

What is the last thing you said aloud?: I’m singing along to that Marianas Trench song again.

Has your mom bought anything in the past 24 hours?: I don’t believe so, no.

What’s the connection between you and the last person you texted?: We’re new friends.

Do you believe in love at first sight?: As much as I’d like to, I don’t.

Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?: Of course not! She’s one of my very favourite people.

Do you hate the last boy you were talking to?: Not at all!

How many people have you had strong feelings for this year?: Dating relationship or friendship? Because I always feel very strongly about the people I care about, regardless of the type of relationship!

Have you done something bad today?: Nothing aside from weird sleep patterns.

Are you jealous of someone right now?: Not particularly.

Who have you sent a text message to today?: Since midnight? No one as of yet.

Are you there for your friends?: I try my very hardest to be.

Do you like the person you’re becoming?: I’m pretty ok with who I am at the moment. 🙂 I like me.

Do you always answer your phone?: Almost never. I’m not much of a phone person.

What’s the longest you’ve ever talked on the phone?: Oh gosh…six hours? Eight hours? It was crazy. I think it was with Jason, way back in the day.

Do you have any siblings?: Yes, a younger brother.

What are you doing tonight?: I need to come up with some photos for an art gallery/show a friend talked me into doing.

What are you doing Friday?: Oh, I have no idea!

Do you want someone back in your life?: Yes, there are a couple of people I’d like to have back.

How is the weather right now?: Humid, muggy…generally yucky.

Does anyone call you baby?: Yep! I’m perfectly happy with this.

Do you regret anything?: I really don’t regret things. Things happen for a reason. I’d be pretty miserable if I spent my life playing the ‘what if’ or the ‘I regret…’ games.

How’s life?: It’s ok. My childhood and teenage-hood weren’t the easiest, but now that I’m older and have no qualms about sticking up for myself against what I feel is unfair, things are much better.

Will this weekend be a good one?: I..suppose so! It’ll be ok.

Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?: No. I’ve put myself through that with friends and as well as that turned out in the end, I don’t think I could ever date anyone who was addicted to anything.

Is it easy for someone to make you smile/laugh?: Fairly easy, yes! 🙂

Two feelings at the moment?: I’m sorta jittery, but not in a bad way. I feel inspired and creative, but lack the motivation at nearly 6am.

Anything you’d like to say to someone?: “Enough screwing around. Come clean because I feel like I already know the truth.”

What have you had pierced?: My ears. My right ear is pierced 8 times and my left is pierced 7.

If you married the person you last texted, what would your last name be?: Perry. 🙂 I guess that’s not too bad.

Is anything upsetting you right now?: Nah, not really! I’m doing ok.

Who was the last person you cried in front of and when?: I haven’t cried in a very, very long time.

What’s on your agenda for tomorrow?: I’m really not sure. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out. 🙂

Who do you not get along with?: Hypocrites, people who consistently lie, people who hide the truth because they think they can get away with things, intolerant people, people who take everything I say and twist it terribly, people who constantly do things that are never in their best interest, even after asking my opinion and people who do nothing but moan and complain about how terrible things are. I think that covers everything!

Does anyone know your password besides you?: Yes, actually! Several people have my passwords.

Did you have a good day yesterday?: It was nice. It poured all day, which I love.

Where are you?: The dining room, where the computer lives.

Do you like coffee?: I do NOT. I love the smell but can’t stand the taste.

What were you doing at eight o’clock this morning?: Give me 2 hours and I’ll let you know. 🙂

What are you most looking forward to today?: I may have to do a bit of shopping, but I’m not really looking forward to it.

What are your initals?: MMT

Did you ever think someone didn’t like you, but came to find out they really did?: No. I can’t say that’s ever happened. I’m usually a pretty good judge of character.

Where’s your best friend?: I have several! At this point in time, I’m assuming they’re in their beds sound asleep.

Desktop or laptop?: Desktop.

Do you wear glasses?: Nope!

What is it you truly want right now?: I want…unlimited money. I know that’s really petty and selfish, but I could do so much with it, not just for myself.

How many pillows do you sleep with?: Wow, let’s see…6.

Do you care what people think about you?: To a point, I do. In general…not really. I mean, I try not to be a horrible person or anything, but if someone dislikes me, I’m ok with it. I’m not ever going to try to please everyone.

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?: There are numerous people of the opposite sex who mean the world to me, yes!

Do long distance relationships work?: Sometimes, yes!

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?: I…could, but I wouldn’t! I guess this means I do care what people think about me, eh?

Do you like the town you are living in?: It’s ok. It’s convenient. I never have to travel more than 10 minutes to get anywhere I need to be, but it’s too crowded and too touristy and it’s right near the ocean. I would trade convenience for a place I liked in a heartbeat.

What were you doing at 1 AM this morning?: I was right here.

What does your last text message you sent say?: I don’t remember. I left my cell in my room to charge.

Last night you felt?: Pretty wide awake.

What do you usually do right when you wake up?: Get dressed and check my phone.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: Probably Robin about making plans to get together sometime.

Are you afraid of needles?: No, not at all.

Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?: I hope so. 🙂

How late did you stay up last night?: Well…this is tricky considering I keep vampire hours. I was awake until noon, but I’d been awake for 24+ hours by that point.

Whose bed were you last in?: Mine! I love my bed.

Has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty eyes?: I get told that quite often.

What would your name be with the first three letters?: Mel, which I get called by several people.

When is your birthday?: February 6th

What do you currently hear right now?: The computer fan.

Do you listen to songs when you’re down?: Who doesn’t?

Have you ever hugged someone named Joe?: Considering that’s my younger brother’s name, yes.

What a time waster. 🙂 Oh well. Goodnight, folks.


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Handcuffs, eh? Serious ones or ones with leopard print? 😉

June 11, 2013

LOL, “some kind of chicken thing, I have no idea what it was.” that reminds me of the brother rat on Ratatouille, where Remy is like “WHAT are you eating?” and the brother is like “I dont.. really.. know…” ~

June 14, 2013

really she dumped you from the wedding? gosh that was stern xxx