When I see stars, that’s all they are

Stolen from [Teffy]!

1) How many times a week do you clean your living space?: Umm…let’s see…my living space is basically just my bedroom and I kind of tend to really deep clean that once a year. I wind up moving everything around so it suits my needs better. I think I have it just the way it works best for me, finally, after all these years. So now I just tidy a little and try to keep things as neat as I can. I have a lot of stuff and not a ton of space, so it’s cluttered, but it’s clean. So really, it’s just on an ‘as needed’ basis. I don’t ever let it get too bad.

2) If you had to enlist in a branch of the military which would you choose?: Back when 9-11 happened, I had a fleeting patriotic feeling and thought I might want to join the Army and really do something important with my life. I was 18 and really had no idea what I wanted to do ‘when I grew up’, so it seemed like a good idea for about a week. After that, I was very much over it.

3) If you are talking to someone and they are using big words that you don’t understand, would you ask them to explain the word to you?: If I’m talking to said person online, I just Google the definitions. 🙂 If I’m talking in person and can’t figure it out based on context, then sure. I’ll ask if it’s relevant. If not, I don’t bother.

4) List 10 things that are in your bedroom: This is easy! Sea monkeys, two mice, a hamster, two ‘air plants’, tons of books, tons of dvds, stuffed animals, several lava lamps, an archery set and a collection of wizard-y/dragon things.

5)Which airports have you been in?: I’ve only ever been on one trip that required a plane ride, but I boarded the plane in Newark Airport here in NJ, flew to Vancouver airport in BC, Canada, then re-boarded an airplane in the Seattle Airport to fly back into Newark.

6) Do you do any volunteer work or donate to charity?: I do volunteer work through my old church. I still consider it volunteer work even if I’m not feeding the homeless or collecting donations, etc. But I volunteer my time to watch the babies in the nursery at least once a month, if not more. I’ve been doing that since I was 8 years old (as a teacher’s helper) and have had my own class since I was 18. But I donate where I can by dropping coins into collection can here and there.

7) Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: No, thank goodness.

8) Have you been through a natural disaster (earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc)?: All of the above! Two of which are really rare for here in NJ. But I’ve lived through them in my lifetime.

9) What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?: I don’t eat weird food! I just eat food weird. 🙂

10) Are you a curious person?: Hm! Good question. I don’t think I really am, as a whole. I don’t necessarily care about the details of most things or how things work, how they’re made, etc. I’m more focused on the bigger picture and the end result.

11) Are you afraid of graveyards?: No! I love graveyards. I am, however, slightly concerned about the kinds of people who may hang out there. I don’t want to accidentally walk up on something dangerous that I’m not expecting. And I sort of feel like that’s one place that kind of heightens that possibility. But as a whole, I love graveyards for the peace and quiet and the photo ops.

12) What magazines do you read?: No, I don’t read magazines at all. It’s like cheating on my books!

13) Have you ever been addicted to drugs?: Never, not once, ever.

14) Do you think smoking should be allowed in bars & restaurants?: I’m ok with the idea of smoking in bars. If you’re gonna kill yourself with liquor, might as well go all the way. That being said, I don’t drink and I don’t smoke, so it doesn’t affect me in any way. But I do go to restaurants and I have horrible allergies to cigarette smoke, so I really can’t eat while that stuff is being blown around. It made me very glad when there were finally laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants.

15) How many people go/went to your school?: My graduating class was 525-ish x 4 years.

16) What are you passionate about?: Ashley and Heather have both very recently told me that I’m passionate about weird things. 🙂 I guess I have strong opinions about things that don’t really matter, which is true! But I wouldn’t say they’re passions. I’d have to say that’s more reserved for…hmm…children’s rights, animal rights, equality, respect, tolerance…you know…all that sappy jazz. If we’re Facebook friends, I’m sure you’ve seen me get all worked up about one thing or another over the last year.

17) What are your bad habits?: My sleeping habits SUCK, which means my eating habits SUCK. I still have soda as my one and only real vice. But I think that’s pretty much it.

18) Have you ever driven a go-kart?: I surely have!

19) What is your favorite amusement park?: The part where I leave? I just…I hate crowds and I hate roller coasters, and the tickets to get in are insanely expensive. Just…no. I have better things to do with my time!

20) Name something you are afraid of that other’s might find silly: I really have no fears in general, aside from heights. But that’s more like a vertigo/phobia kinda thing, and I don’t think people think that’s silly? Beyond that, I really can’t think of anything. I’ve handled and worked with every animal, including rabid raccoons, I’m not afraid of needles, I’m not afraid of clowns, spiders freak me out but I’m not necessarily scared of them… umm…I just can’t think of anything else!

21) What’s the longest amount of time you’ve remained single?: Really, I haven’t been single for more than six months since I was 18. It might be long distance stuff, but I’m still involved!

22) What is your favorite song to dance to?: Oh wow..I really don’t dance AT ALL. 🙂 But I tap my feet and nod my head to a LOT of music. I can’t pick just one song at all.

23) If you could choose a second language to speak, which would it be?: Sign language!

24) Were you adopted?: I used to have dreams… 🙂 But nope. There are pregnant mommy pictures.

25) How many people have died in your family since you were born?: The problem with this question is that my father’s side of the family is SO huge that there have been lots of extended family members who have died that I’d never met, so I can’t remember. But I’m sure there have been LOTS.

26) Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet?: It depends on what you consider ‘wild’, I think. Even wolf-dogs are becoming more popular as pets. I’ve never owned a big cat or anything, but I’ve had turtles, sugar gliders, chinchillas, hermit crabs, mice, hedgehogs…umm…oh, and tons of lizards and geckos. Those are the only things I can think of that you’d really find in the wild. I’ve had hamsters, guinea pigs and gerbils too, but those are more considered pets than wild animals, right?

27) If you were a part of the circus, what would your job be?: I’d wanna be a lion tamer!

28) Would you kill someone in self-defense?: I think if I had to, I would.

29) Has anyone in your family ever had cancer?: My great-grandmother died of breast cancer, my grandmother died of cancer, my mother’s brother died of cancer, my mother’s sister is dying of cancer and my mother’s sister’s daughter is going through chemo for breast cancer currently. So…YEP!

30) What is your favorite breed of dog?: Before working at the veterinary clinic, the list of dogs I used to love and want was HUGE. Now, it’s been narrowed down to just a few due to health issues and/or general temperament. I’ve had two Shelties and I loved them both. They were great dogs, pretty laid back and easy going, easy to work with, etc. I actually love malamutes because I adore the look and they’re fairly laid back as well. I love mastiffs, but they have a ton of health problems and die young because they’re such a large breed. Same goes for St. Bernards and Great Pyrenees. I’m really just a big fan of extra large furry dogs. Anything smaller than 40-ish pounds is kind of useless to me.

31) What is your favorite breed of cat?: Very much not a cat fan at all, but if I ever had to have one, I like ragdolls, Siamese, bengal, maine coon, norwegian forest, scottish fold and snowshoe. Mostly these are the larger, furrier cats out there! The ones that aren’t large and extra furry are more unique for one reason or another.

32) Name a food you like now that you didn’t like when you were younger?: Good question again! Hm…baked potatoes I think.

33) What’s your dream car?: I pretty much drive it! I have a Ford F-150. I love pickups.

34) What’s your favorite kind of facial cleanser?: I…oy. I have a whole facial cleansing routine! I’m 30 years old and I still break out. (ENOUGH OF THIS!!) So I started using a whole regime and it’s working SO WELL. I’m thrilled to death with this because it’s been working like a dream. Rather than going through everything, I’ll just say that I tend to use a facial cleanser from the Dollar Tree store. It’s a green tube (green tea) or an orange tube (apricot) and the brand is “April”. Trust me! It’s amazing. I never thought it would work, because…do dollar store products ever really live up to what brand name stuff does? A very good friend talked me into it a few years ago and I’ve never looked back! That, combined with several different Clean and Clear products and I’m good to go!

35) What is your dream vacation?: Alaska, Vermont, Russia, Ireland, Scotland…erm…that may be it! I don’t have a real desire to travel at all.

36) Do you have a green thumb?: I tend to kill things pretty easily, so nope!

37) Do you use public restrooms?: Very, VERY rarely.

38) How much does it cost to fill up your car with gas?: Geeze, I have no idea anymore.

39) Are you good with directions?: Not especially, no. However, if I’ve driven somewhere once before, even years ago, I can always find my way there again with very little problem. I’m kind of amazing that way.

40) What do you collect?: I collect a LOT. Books, dvds, moose things (especially stuffed), postcards, monkeys, sock monkeys, ninja things, stuffed animals in general, blankets, cute socks, camera equipment…I can’t think of anything else.

41) How many children do you want to have?: I’ve always wanted four.

42) What is your income?: Zilch!

43) What is the most money you’ve ever had in your bank account?: About $5,000, I think.

44) Do you have a savings account?: I do.

45) Do you like drama?: Not at all. I avoid it as much as possible and I will call people out on it if they get too dramatic on me. In case you missed it, I was recently un-friended on Facebook over this just recently. 😀 (Thank you to everyone who left me notes on that entry, once again.)

46) What is your favorite brand of jeans?: I honestly don’t care. I’m so cheap when it comes to clothes that I tend to shop pretty much exclusively at Walmart or Kmart, so it’s like…Route 66 brand or whatever their store brand is.

47) Would you take a bullet for someone you love?: Sure!

48) What is your favorite mall?: Nono…I don’t go to the mall.

49) Do you like to play mini-golf?: I haven’t played since a friend’s 10th birthday party and I haaated it.

50) What are you hobbies?: Reading, photography, soul searching…I guess that’s it these days.


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April 29, 2013

Oh man I still have acne and I’m about to be 28 …it sucks so hardcore 🙁

April 29, 2013

I love these kinds of entries. I wish I lived closer I would teach you sign language! xx

Stealing 🙂

May 1, 2013

I like, No, I don’t read magazines at all. It’s like cheating on my books! wow that is a great line!

May 3, 2013

I got two beautifully worded cards and a letter all in one letter today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am going to copy those words out and put them into my book of beautiful sayings from beautiful people. xxxxx