There is no resolution for your ways

*yawn* I have a question for all of you lovely folks. Is it natural to laugh hysterically when someone distorts your words and/or intentions so badly that they make themselves the victim and un-friends you on Facebook? Because…well…that was my reaction for two days. Granted, I’m extremely sleep deprived so I’m alternating between being annoyed by certain people and just laughing like a loon because I’m realizing just how ridiculous some people in my life can be. Mostly the latter, though!

Early apologies, though, because I think this entry may be all over the place.

I feel like I’ve been sitting back and watching most of the people I know whine and complain about one thing or another in their lives. Some have legitimate excuses, so I’m not including those people. But it just seems like nearly every single person I know has a stick shoved so far up his or her butt that he can pick his or her nose with it. People, life isn’t fair. No one ever promised that. People WILL have differing opinions. People WILL say things you don’t agree with. People WILL offend you. People WILL let you down. People WILL annoy you. But man…learn to let it go. Put on your adult panties and deal with it or just ignore it. I’ve seen SO many cases of people acting incredibly immaturely over something completely crazy just over the last few days.

The one situation that I’m thinking of in particular is the one I mentioned at the beginning of this entry on Facebook. That site really shows you the true colours of people, doesn’t it?! This one particular “friend” of mine had previously been fairly nice to me, but then again, we never interacted much. It wasn’t until I started to try to involve this crotchety old woman more in my life that she became more of a burden and a hassle to me than anything else. I just felt too guilty to kick her to the curb because I have guilt issues. Luckily enough, she solved that problem for me.

Long story short there, over the last two months or so, I’ve left comments on her photos or posts on Facebook on three different occasions. One was a completely silly picture:

I should state that this woman claims to be a ‘witch’, but does not know the first thing about it. She’s 72 years old (a fact she insisted on using as a defense any time she ‘corrected’ me) and acts more like the ‘witch’ thing is for shock value rather than something she actually believes. She’s constantly posting pictures of witches in black hats on brooms with black cats as well as raunchy witch jokes, so I thought she would get a kick out of that picture I posted and tagged her in, just to be silly and again, to try to involve her in my life.

She laughed at first, then she must have thought about it because she came back to my page later and demanded that I take the picture down because it offended her and it didn’t make any sense. “Witches and religion have nothing to do with one another.” …you’re kidding me, right? Does she not know the origin of how all of that came about? You’d think one would know that if one claims to be a practicing witch. So I explained it to her and told her that it DID make all the sense in the world, but I wound up deleting it for her.

The second time I commented on her status update was to make a helpful suggestion. She was whining about having a sore finger and needing a bandaid, but at the time and day, the store was closed, she didn’t have the money to go out and buy them anyway, and her grandkids had used up all of hers so she didn’t have any. I simply made a suggestion that she could use tape and a folded up piece of paper towel as a makeshift bandaid if she needed something, anything. I got laughed at and berated for making such a suggestion, because, of course, “I already know that.” Well, DO IT. Quit whining about it and do it. If you already know it, why bother posting that you’re in need? But again, I let it go and told her that I was just trying to help because she sounded like she really was in pretty desperate need.

The third time I commented was just two days ago. She posted that she wished she could take her parakeet outside with her while she rolled around in her back yard on her scooter chair thing. So I made the simple suggestion that if she truly wanted to do that, she could always get the bird’s wings clipped. It was just a suggestion. I wasn’t trying to talk her into anything. She got extremely offended by that suggestion as well and bitched me out for it in public. And at the time, it sounded like she thought I meant having the bird’s wings completely cut off, which is NOT what ‘clipping wings’ means. (You just remove the flight feathers so the bird can’t get the lift it needs to fly, but it can still glide if it has to.) Once again, she bitched me out because, ONCE AGAIN, she knew everything because she had ‘been a bird breeder for years.’ Of course! I had forgotten that she knows everything about everything and my veterinary years mean nothing.

As I was explaining to her, YET AGAIN, that I was just trying to be helpful, her response was, “fookin shut up.” (“Fookin”- fucking in her native New Zealand tongue.)

Me: “Excuse me??”

Her: “SHUT UP. My wall, my way.”

I called her out for being extremely immature and that if she wanted to act that way in public, that’s fine, but I was NOT about to demean myself in public like that, so I was going to email her instead. Her response was to laugh at me and tell me that I sounded like her mother with the, “act that way in public” phrase.

Me: “Good. I’m glad I sound like your mother. It seems like a little class goes a long way.”

My email to her was this:
Since you appear to have a problem with me, based on your “shut up” and “my wall my way” comments, I’ve decided to confront you directly, rather than letting you make a public spectacle out of the both of us. It may be your wall, but I’ve done NOTHING but try to have an intelligent conversation with you all because you stated that you wished your bird could go outside with you.

I simply made a suggestion. And I told you that your belief was respected. You choose to start up with the “fooking” cursing and then, as unbelievable as this is for one adult to be saying to another, you actually told me to ‘shut up’. I don’t care what you do with your bird. I don’t care if it flies around the house all day. I don’t care if you don’t want to clip its wings. I don’t care if you were a ‘bird breeder for years’. I made a simple suggestion to try to be helpful based on hands-on knowledge I have from working at a veterinary clinic for nearly a decade and you chose to turn that around and be completely disrespectful to me. That was *incredibly* rude. It seems like whenever I make a suggestion, it’s laughed at and you just always know better. Any time I try to even remotely involve you in some way, you’re ‘highly offended’. I’m 30 years old, not some kid you can push around and intimidate and manipulate with your ‘my wall my way’ attitude. I don’t care if you’re my age or 72 years old, as you so blatantly throw back in my face every time you try to make a point. You need to treat me with respect because I deserve it as a fellow human being. I didn’t show up cursing and telling you to ‘shut up’. Based on that alone, you may have 40+ years on me, but it seems that I have the maturity you lack.
I’d love an apology for that childish display you dragged me into, but I’m not expecting it by any means.
I have nothing left to say here. My points have been made.

Her response was:
Gloria J Starweaver
yes YOUR point..i dont give a rats arse about YOUR got yourself into the dbate about what you thought you(as always) knew best…no one but yourself made you keep on putting your point over and over..I have always respected you UNTILL you do that crap…umfriend me if you think I am sooo terribly beneath fookin skin of my nose..

Crazy, isn’t it?! I never, ever insinuated or stated that she (or ANYONE) was “beneath me” and I didn’t even know we were in any kind of “dbate,” as she so wrongly spells it. I thought we were simply having a discussion where one person speaks, then the other person speaks, then the first person speaks again. There was NOTHING to debate! There was no right or wrong. There was no point to be made. I simply made a suggestion and then explain my reason when I thought she didn’t understand what I was trying to say. I explained to her TWICE that the fact that she didn’t want to clip the bird’s wings was completely respected and understood. That was the entire comment I made right before she first told me to ‘shut up’.

Basically, I’m just incredibly sick of this kind of attitude from EVERYONE. I’m too old to be dealing with this. I may have a “my wall, my way” kind of attitude, but I don’t stomp my feet and throw a fit about it like some little spoiled, bratty child who takes his bat and ball and goes home because he’s not getting his way. If I have an issue, I go about it privately, not publicly and I certainly try to be more mature about things than resorting to the maturity level and mental level of a 12 year old child. I kept waiting for her to call me a jerk and threaten to tell her mommy on me.

In a nutshell, I’m not at all surprised that she has pretty much no family in her life and that she can’t keep a home health carer in her life for more than a month at a time. She’s one of these people who consistently blames someone else and the rest of the world. It’s never her fault. But she is really just a miserable old bat and a very difficult person to deal with. She’s blocked me from both Facebook and OD, and the only thing that bothers me is that she yelled at me, then blocked me before I could get the last word it. *laughs* So hey, if anyone is so inclined, further my petty passive-aggressiveness and head on over to [witchywomoon]’s diary and say hi for me. 😉

The good news is that I stood my ground and made my point. If you can’t respect me, I’m better off without you.

Funnily enough, a couple hours after everything happened with Gloria that night, I randomly decided to check my horoscope for the day for the very first time in months and this is what it told me:

April 23, 2013: “Now is the time for brutal honesty — though you don’t want to be mean! You do need to really connect, though, so make sure that you’re reaching out and being as genuine as possible.

I was genuine and brutally honest, alright! I don’t always put much stock in horoscopes, but I am an Aquarius TO A ‘T’. Hands down, no question about it. 🙂

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This is why all I post is silliness on The Book.

April 25, 2013

gah what a drama rat!!

FB gives me a headache 50% of the time, usually when I read the political bullshit and drama on there. Yeah, the lady was disrespectful and dramatic with her comments (and email) to you. You’re better off without her.

Goatfish is Capricorn. Specifically, Capricornus.

April 27, 2013

Wow! What a nutty woman!

I read this & tried to note but OD were being a wanker. But yes, wonky lady, that. *shoves her into the ocean* ^_^