Sometimes you just cross that line

I’ve been thinking about something for a while now and I think it’s finally time I threw it out there into the universe. It’s kind of a rant, so here goes.

I’m sick to death of people who can’t be bothered to give me the time of day. I feel like most of the time, I go out of my way to show the people I love that I care about them. Whether it’s cards and letters or sending little things, texts, showing up online when they need to talk, regardless of what else I might have to do, etc. If I can’t be with some of these friends in person, I like to think that I’m at least generous with my time and my affections, and I really try to make it clear, leaving absolutely no doubt, how I feel about the people that mean the most to me.

Sure, I have acquaintances as well, but I also leave OD comments or Facebook comments for them as well, on occasion.

And you know what? I’ve had it. I’m done with going out of my way for some people. I’m sick of being the one to put all the effort into staying in touch with some people and I’m completely through trying. Maybe this will change in the future, but for now, I’m done making all the sacrifices. I refuse to chase people down anymore. If they want to stay in touch, so be it. I’m not a hard person to get in touch with by any means. I’m on Facebook, my email is out there in the world, and it’s the same one I’ve had since I was 13, my cell number hasn’t changed in 10 years, my home number has been the same since before I was born and I still live in the same house I grew up in. So I’m done.

I’m sick of people taking me for granted and I’m sick of the lack of what I consider to be manners. Especially these days! If I go out of my way to do something for someone, you know what? I expect some sort of acknowledgment. A quick “hey, thanks!” on Facebook would do just fine. I don’t want or expect anyone to sit down and hand write a novel thanking me and telling me how great I am. That’s ridiculous. I don’t expect a phone call or a text, because it’s the age of technology and I’d personally rather contact someone elsewhere sometimes. But it’s really starting to get to me, this whole thing.

I think it really started back when I started the Postcrossing postcard project. Whenever you write/receive a card, there’s a registration number. You register it so the person who sent it knows it arrived. There’s also additional space on that page to write a short ‘thank you’ note. Out of 1,000 cards, give or take, only about 5 have never written any kind of note, and those people were new to the site and either didn’t realize they could do that, or just didn’t think about it. Everyone else goes out of their way to at least just type the word ‘thanks,’ if not a whole paragraph explaining how appreciative they are. I do that as well.

So yeah, I’m irked. I’m bugged. If people can’t appreciate me and the things I do for them, even if I just write a simple note to say hi, and they can’t be bothered to say anything in response, I’m done. I feel like a jerk doing that, but I’ve just had it.

PS: No one particular person sparked this entry. I’ve just been noticing over the last year or so how even close friends sometimes can’t be bothered with acknowledgment.

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I know how you feel. I have an ex who I thought I stayed friends with named Randy who treats me like a frozen burrito. I have to beg him for attention.

August 18, 2012

:hug: im sorry youre feeling that way. 🙁 – Noah

August 18, 2012

I never knew anything about a registration number. Never saw one. I am really sorry, I seriously did not see one. I think you are great and i think you are one of the kindest people I know. I guess we all take people for granted when we do not tell them how we think about them. i am sorry i was one of those people in not expressing myself with you. love and hugs M xx

August 18, 2012

ryn: thank you and yes we do have a special bond- Shannon saw to that xxxx

August 18, 2012

huge hugs.. you were a rock for the me the other night, i appreciate all the time you took for me. honest xxxxx

August 19, 2012

I went thru that perios, & then decided to let them go. Then took up my mantra, “Make things happen for yourself.” I was tired of making things happen for my so-called friends; & they waited for me to do that. Well, they’re still waiting!

August 19, 2012


*offers cookies*

haha so it turns out im left eye dominant and right handed. My first shot, i tried to look through my left eye, i twanged my arm so bad its black. I bought an arm guard. Cuz man that hurt bad! hehe. So far so good, other then loosing an arrow in the trees.

RYN thanks, it was only 10 yards. Im working at 15 now. I can hit the target, but not so closely grouped. Takes more practice. I shot about 50 times in between running after the kids and other people having their turn at their guns today hehe. Im getting stronger fast. I can already shoot longer then before.

October 21, 2012

I so agree! I’ve allowed many to fall by the wayside. It is just too exhausting to keep up the effort. As I wrote in my last entry I am giving-out. 🙂