Radio on, singing every song

Project 365×12 OD.
Original Project365.

Go to Monkeyville and buy! Created and owned by Phoenix poet,who will also make custom monkeys for you to love.

Go to saturdayatmidnight and buy! Created and owned by hi,phantom,who is an amazing jewelry artist!

Go to Oh,Rats and buy! Created and owned by Thylacine,who has a store with lovely hand-drawn cartoon versions of her pet rats on fun products!

I haven’t written in weeks, so of course I’ll do a survey. That makes sense, right?

Do you plan on going to your high school’s reunion?: My 10 year reunion was last summer and I didn’t go. In fact, in my class of 500+, only about 10 people showed up. Way to go, class spirit!

When will your next kiss be?: No idea.

Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?: I like my music loud, for the most part, especially when I’m driving or home alone.

Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about?: I’m really not much of a traveler and I enjoy lots of down-time. So chances are I’d be home all day.

Last thing you purchased?: Umm…that was probably postcards.

Plans for tonight?: Sleep and shower, but probably not in that order.

What happened at 9:00 am today?: I was playing Facebook games and listening to a couple of songs on loop, on repeat.

Could you go a day without eating?: I often have!

Would you go into public looking like you do now?: Erm…I suppose I would in a pinch, but I’d rather shower and put on a bra first.

Describe your mood?: I’m fairly relaxed, but sleepy. I took Tylenol PM about four hours ago and it’s finally kicking in.

Are your nails painted?: They are! With teal glittery polish.

What’s something that can always make you feel better?: Sleep usually works wonders.

What is something you like to do when you’re down?: I listen to music, watch favourite tv shows or read.

Last time you smoked weed?: I was exposed to second hand smoke about 12 years ago. Ha.

Do you regret anything from your past?: I regret nothing.

Who is the last person you physically hit?: I swatted the butt of a kid I was babysitting (a good friend’s child) because she thought it would be funny to slam a door into my head as I was bending down to pick her up.

If the last person you kissed moved away, what would you do?: The last person I got kissed by was a little kid. So, it wouldn’t matter much!

What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?: It would be an insanely crazy situation, considering the kid was 2 and female. And that’s creepy, so we’re moving on as fast as possible.

Do you get distracted easily?: Not really, no. I usually multi-task all the time, though.

Did you have sex today?: No.

When’s the last time you cried?: It’s been over a year.

Who last made you smile?: My mother.

What do you do with clothes you’ve out grown or don’t want anymore?: I donate them.

What would you do if your parents caught you drinking?: I’m almost 30. Absolutely nothing.

What’s so special about what you’re wearing?: They’re the last clean clothes I have, so I really have to throw my stuff in the wash SOON.

Anything you would change about your life right now?: I’d have a job, a husband, kids and a house.

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?: About 8 hours ago.

Do you hate it when people smoke around you?: I kind of do, especially if they don’t ask if I mind first. I have horrible allergies and certain brands of cigarettes just make me feel awful. Plus, I just hate smelling like smoke.

Are you drunk?: Not at all.

Have you ever laid on a bed and stayed there for no reason at all?: There’s always a reason!

Do you sit on the mattresses in furniture stores?: Generally not unless I’m shopping for one.

Is there still someone you know that treats you like a little kid?: Not really. Most people are accepting of the fact that I’m not 12 anymore.

If someone you knew came back from the dead for one day, what would you do?: After screaming, shaking and a mild panic attack, I’d take them out to lunch and talk.

Do the good always die young?: Not always.

Has anyone touched you for no reason at all?: Um, no?

Have you ever touched someone without having reason?: There’s always a reason, again!

Do you mumble a lot?: I don’t think I mumble at all.

Where is one place where you truly feel safe?: In Vermont.

Have you ever acted like you were sick/hurt to get out of something?: Yeah, I used to do that a lot in gym class.

Would you ever lie your way out of a date?: No.

Is there some topics that you aren’t very open about?: I don’t think so. I think I’m pretty much an open book. I may not think to offer the information, but if asked or if someone else and I get into a discussion, it’s not like there are things I won’t talk about.

Has someone ever asked you a question that made you nervous?: Oh yeah, for sure.

Have you ever lied enough that the situation became even worse?: No, not at all. I try to tell the truth as often as I can.

Is the someone you love more that life itself?: I have several people that I love that much.

Are politics way unnecessary?: They’re a necessary evil.

Have you ever read the Bill of Rights/Declaration of Independence?: Back in high school when I was forced to, sure.

Would you rather become a police officer or a firefighter?: Firefighter.

Do you know why police officers are called ‘cops’?: Can’t say as I do.

If not, back then they called them cops because their badges were copper.: Good to know.

Have you ever had an encounter with a very dangerous animal?: I was a vet tech. That happened daily! Multiple times a day.

Have you ever become unconscious?: Only once.

If you saw a mermaid one day when you were alone. Would you tell anyone? : I would, but I wouldn’t expect anyone to believe me.

Why or why not?: I’d tell just because it was awesome.

Do you wish unicorns were real?: I do!

Do fish belong in water or on your dinner plate?: Both, says I.

Speaking of fish, do theymake lame pets?: They’re ok if you know what you’re doing. I…don’t.

Is any part of your body numb right now?: My foot’s a little sleepy.

Have you ever fed a wild animal people food?: Yeah.

Do you hate being the first person to start a conversation?: I kind of do, yes.

Would you rather die or eat another human being?: It would depend on the circumstances.

Do you wish that animals could talk? Why or why not?: I do. I’d love to hear what runs through my chinchilla’s head.

Do you think people who say that they ‘don’t have regrets’ telling a lie?: No, because I’m one of those people.

Have you ever called someone a pathological liar?: Once or twice.

Are you what they call a ‘tree hugger’?: Not by any means.

Have you ever sniffed a tree?: Yep!

If so, what did it smell like?: Pine. 🙂

When was the last time you had a grilled cheese sandwich? It’s been a while!

Have you ever made fun of someone’s beliefs?: Does laughing at Jeff Dunham and Achmed count?

Have you ever made fun of someone’s name?: Quite often, actually!

How many cups of coffee do you have to drink to totally become hyper?: I don’t drink coffee.

Do you like to understand and have good knowledge of things?: It depends on what the situation is.

Would you ever become a psychologist? How about a psychiatrist?: I thought about it. Back when I worked for a psychologist, he would come out to the waiting room when he didn’t have any patients and just vent to me for an hour. And sometimes his clients would come in an hour early just to talk to me first. Whenever the doctor would receive compliments about his clients speaking to me, he’d always say, “Yes, she’s a good person to talk to.” So I thought about it. But later events made me realize that I just don’t have the patience for panicky, crazed, homicidal, suicidal, angry, depressed, broken people on a day-to-day basis. Now, don’t get me wrong. When my friends need to vent, I’m totally there for them, and most of the people in my life HAVE seen psychiatrists/psychologists. So that’s not any kind of direct attack on anyone who’s ever needed one. I would just rather use my powers to help close friends than strangers.

Do you know what the difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist is?: Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors, who specialize in mental illness, so they essentially deal with the medication aspect. Psychologists are doctors of psychology, have a lot more ‘hands on’ training and experience of mental illness, do not prescribe medication. Two completely different job roles.

Seafood is disgusting, isn’t it?: No, it’s my favourite.

Would you marry someone if you thought their parents were insane?: I would, but I’d have to let it be known that I thought so and wanted as little to do with the parents as possible. I’ve been sucked into that vat of crazy before and I don’t care for it.

Have you ever been at home and wondered where everyone went?: Yes, several times.

Did you know grape juice and baking soda can be used as invisible ink?: I had no idea.

Are you more of a literal or illiteral person?: Probably 50/50.

People who have good self-control are no fun to argue with. Agree?: Agreed.

Have you ever been stuck in a certain position for minutes or hours?: Yes.

What do you do if someone offends you? (by purpose or accident): If it’s on purpose, I get pissed. If it’s accidental, I ask them to clarify first.

Would you ever jump off of a cliff if you were surrounded by wolves?: No. I’m afraid of heights, so I’d rather be gnawed to death.

If you are talking to someone and they say ‘I’m bored’, is it offensive? : It depends. With the whole ‘internet generation’, we’re kind of prone to doing a bunch of things at once and it seems like it’s easy to reach the end of the internet and be bored.

Have you ever been embarrassed to discuss something with a doctor?: Not really, no.

Do you like solo artists or an actual band better?: I tend to like solo artists more, although I didn’t realize that until this question.

Do your parents/guardians always disapprove of the people you date?: No.

Who is more disapproving when it comes to dating? Mom or dad?: Neither, but I’ve always kept that part of my life from both of them.

If you had to live on $1 a day, could you do it?: Do I have anything I need to spend it on?

Is pink too girly?: It is for me. I don’t care for pink.

Is black too emo/goth?: No, and I sort of hate that it’s thought of that way. It also drives me nuts when people wear black just because they think it’s “cool emo/goth stuff”.

If none of those are to your liking then what is your favorite color(s)? : Blue. I love all shades of blue.

Are people astounded at your height?: Not at all.

How tall are you, by the way?: 5’4″- 5’5″.

Do you talk to people about your problems?: Sometimes.

If so, does it make you feel better?: Sometimes!

Have you ever been very sore and didn’t know why?: My ankle is that way right now. I woke up the other day and it randomly hurt. No idea why.

What is worse? Back pain or shoulder pain?: Back pain.

Have you gotten back pain and shoulder pain at the same time?: Yes, that’s pretty miserable.

Has your neck ever hurt by sitting at the computer/TV too long?: Yes, because when I watch tv, I lounge in weird positions.

Can you understand how some people are really optimistic?: I generally try to be, so I understand.

Have you ever known someone that very pessimistic?: Yes.

Does red and pink go good with black?: Anything goes well with black.

Have you ever read something so disgusting you wanted to throw up?: No, things don’t affect me that way. I can detach myself.

Have you ever overheard someone’s conversation?: Yes, of course.

If so, was it something that you really wanted to hear or not?: Not always, no. But some people are just SO loud.

Have you ever been so sick you felt like you were going to die?: A couple of times, yes.

Has your life ever been hanging from a thread?: Yes, several times.

Have you ever almost fallen off of something high off the ground?: I’m not sure. I have a fear of heights for a reason. I was told I fell out of my crib as a tiny little baby, so that may have something to do with it.

Have you ever called the fire department because there was a cat in a tree?: No, do people still do that?

Have you ever prank called 911? : No.

Does ketchup really belong on mac & cheese?: No.

If it had to be one holiday every day, which holiday would you choose?: Either Christmas or Halloween. Actually, I’d love to combine the two and have Hallowmas.

Have you ever done an essay or report on your music idol?: I don’t really have a musical idol. I like too many musicians to pick just one.

Do you mind if music has a lot of cussing/cursing in it?: I’d prefer it not to have that. Otherwise it just becomes meaningless.

If someone you didn’t like got hurt would you laugh?: It depends. I might, depending on my mood.
Have you ever kissed someone without knowing their name?: I kissed someone without knowing his last name, if that counts.

Have you ever hoped for something that you knew wasn’t going to happen?: That happens to me a lot.

Do you always have to have the last words in a conversation?: Yes, I’ve discovered.


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I miss seeing your name in bold 🙂

August 10, 2012

Yayyy, you’re back! That is such a small class reunion! I thought they were an especially big deal in the US, with grand ballrooms and stuff. TV is such a liar! I find that I’m way more alergic to certain brands of cigarettes too! Some make me really clog up and others only mildly irritate me. I expect you to take a photo of that mermaid when you come across it! 😉

August 11, 2012

glad to see you back- that was a big survey chuckles

Missed you, too! I’m going to steal this and do it, because hey, that’s how I roll. Okay fine, it’s because I’m bored. 😉

August 17, 2012

ryn: I agree with you about my grandson. He is old enough to know not to do it. Especially when I told him and yet he got cheeky to me. My problem with his mother was she is a friend of his on facebook and can see what he is doing. That was where I thought she was wrong. He is also underage and not old enough to be on such a site. Anyone it is not really any of my business but I was worried abouthim and his future. If his friends parents see that they would not want their kids around him. hugs to you lovely one and thank you for speaking so well about my parenting skills.