Never made a bet, but gamble with desire

I stole it. I stole it from [Chris] and I’m not sorry!

1. How do you think your last ex deserves to die?: Wow…what would someone have to do to me to deserve death?? I can’t say I want any of my exes to die!

2. List three words to describe your mother?: Artistic home-body.

3. When and how did you meet your best friend?: I’ve got several best friends! Some I’ve met through here, some I went to school with, some I know through friends of friends.

4. Would you date someone you “met” on Facebook?: Providing I was single? Umm…probably not.

5. What do you think of internet dating?: I can dig it, I guess.

6. If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be and why?: Marvin the Martian just because he’s my favourite.

7. What actor/actress would you go gay/lesbian for?: Kelli Martin! She’s adorable.

8. Have you ever thought you were crazy?: It happens roughly once every 5 years or so. I tend to have a meltdown and then I get over it.

9. Have you ever seen a therapist?: Nope.

10. How do you feel about anti-depressants? They’re not for every person out there, but they can make a considerable difference to some people. <—I'm keeping this answer because it's a good one.

11. When was the last time you saw your (biological) dad?: Yesterday morning.

12. Would you rather have loved and lost, or never have loved at all? I would like to love and not lose. I hate losing. <—Another great answer that I'm stealing.

13. What advice would you give to your exÂ’s new love interest?: Never, ever break him. He wasn’t terribly stable when you got him, but he was doing pretty well after a very long time. Don’t fuck him up again.

14. What color was your first car?: It was a really weird shade of teal.

15. Did you ever try to do the Humpty dance?: NO. 🙂

16. Do you even remember the Humpty dance?: Only very vaguely.

17. Have you ever tried to make yourself pass out?: I can’t say I have.

18. Have you ever faked a nose bleed? Did anyone believe you?: I’m not sure this is even possible. So…no. I’m not that clever, I guess.

19. Did you ever fantasize about being close friends with a celebrity?: Yeah, I have. I admit it. 🙂

20. Did you ever believe you had a monster or ghost living in your closet?: As a kid? Nope! I was never, ever afraid of ghosts or monsters because I knew they weren’t real. I’ve always been insanely logical and rational. I was always much more afraid of real life murderers hiding behind doors and waiting to kill me.

21. Have you ever cross-dressed?: Not really, no. I do wear guy’s shirts sometimes, but I’d never consider that cross-dressing. Especially because it’s never, ever been with the intent to be mistaken for the opposite sex.

22. Have you ever put a bra on your head like in Weird Science?: I didn’t know this was a thing. 🙂

23. Have you ever played real golf?: Nope! Well, does mini-golf count? Because I did that once and I was awful at it.

24. Have you ever had a crush on someone much younger than you?: Much younger? No. About five years younger? Yes.

25. Do you have any odd deformities?: Nope! Not that I’m aware of.

27. Have you ever had sex in a moving vehicle?: No.

28. What is the best meal you know how to cook?: I actually cook really well, despite not really liking to cook. But I’m not sure what my best meal is.

29. What is the blanket you sleep with like?: I sleep with multiple blankets! One is a patchwork quilt I made myself and one is a blue striped down comforter that I love because it’s soft and squishy.

30. Have you ever streaked across a football field?: 🙂 Nope. I’m not that daring.

31. Have you ever thought about streaking across a football field?: Nope! Especially considering the only time I ever SAW the football field was when we had mandatory pep rallies that everyone was required to participate in. Beyond that, I stuck to the art rooms and band rooms, thank you very much.

32. Have you ever gone to band camp (sleep away)?: Nope! I was in orchestra. We didn’t have that kind of discipline.

33. If you could do something and know youÂ’d never get caught or punished, what would it be?: I’d have to think about this for a while. I’d probably rob a bunch of banks. It’s amazing how money can’t buy happiness, but at least it would solve quite a few problems.

34. Are you missing any body parts that you were born with?: Nope!

35. Have you ever been a bully?: I admit it. I was a slight bully to a girl in my elementary school. I don’t necessarily regret it because it taught me a lesson, but I regret being ‘just one more person’ in the line of people that eventually caused her to drop out of school to be home schooled due to bullying.

36. Have you ever been bullied?: Nah. No more than the average person. I’m lucky that way.

37. Have you ever called a suicide hotline?: Nope.

38. How would you describe your significant other?: He’s…hmm…gorgeous computer nerdy with a great sense of humour and intelligence that most people lack.

39. Do your dreams haunt you?: There’s a couple.

40. Have you ever had an anxiety attack?: Luckily enough, no. At least, nothing that I’d ever label as a full-on panic attack.

Who is the last person you hugged?: A little kid.

Who was someone that you could have had sex with, but chose not to. Why?: There’s a very good friend of mine that continually brings up the fact that he’s had a crush on me for years every single time we talk. There’s no doubt in my mind that things could get kinda hot ‘n heavy there, but I won’t let it go there because I AM dating someone and have been for a long time. I might be a lot of things, but a cheater isn’t one of them.

Does the last person you kissed wear glasses?: Yes.

When did you last talk to your ex?: It’s been a couple of months.

How far would you go with an attractive person that you just met?: Conversation. <—Another stolen answer.

Have you ever flashed someone?: Umm…Yes! I had to think about that because it’s kind of an un-me-like thing to do, but yes.

What do you think about when you canÂ’t fall asleep?: I tend to run through completely fictional scenarios in my head.

What kind of underwear are you wearing?: Blue.

If you could pick the temperature of the outdoors for the rest of your life, would you?: Yes! I’d be perfectly happy with 30-40 degrees all year round. Sorry, fans of summer weather!

Are you happy?: Happy? Not particularly. Stable? Yeah.

Are you single?: I am not.

What are you doing tomorrow?: Not a clue. Probably the same thing I do every night, Pinky.

Has anyone ever used you?: Absolutely. The good news about being hyper aware of things is that I knew and I went with it just to see how it all played out.

Is there any emotion youÂ’re trying to avoid right now?: Not particularly. I’m comfortably numb at the moment.

Are you a forgiving person?: Mostly. It takes a LOT for me to sever ties with someone. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s family or not. I give lots of chances before I decide that a situation isn’t good for me.

Who do you call when youÂ’re having a bad day?: There’s really only a small handful of people I can go to when I’m not doing so well. The truth is, being that I really do only melt down once in a great while, people don’t know what to do with me when that happens. I don’t usually take myself very seriously, so when things do get serious, it kinda throws people. It’s the few who aren’t tossed for a loop who are the ones I can count on. Azriel, Tobey, Seren, Ashley, Randy and Treve. That’s about it. And believe me, that’s a great group.

How many people of the opposite sex have made you cry?: Three that I know of for sure. But all for different reasons.

What are you thinking about right now?: The last question.

Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?: I do! I can make a good sandwich. (Girls, girls…it was a joke.)

Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?: Save for my bangs, which still have a light blue tint to them, yes.

Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship?: No.

Is there anyone currently annoying you?: Nah, not really. Nothing worth complaining about.

Do you usually have a low tolerance for pain or high tolerance?: I think I have a fairly high tolerance for pain. It doesn’t mean I don’t complain about it, though.

Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them?: YES! I actually freaked some guy out completely once. Back when chat rooms were the big thing, this guy started talking to me before I ever knew his name. Within about five minutes, I had ‘psychic-ed’ that he had a younger sister and played an instrument and I guess that he was like..22 or 23 years old at the time. He got so spastic about the fact that I knew these things that he told me he had to go and just disappeared on me. haha I liked that.

Do you think you look anything like your parents?: Not a thing. No one has EVER told me that I look a thing like anyone in my family, especially not my parents.

What color is your significant otherÂ’s hair?: A very light brown.

If you got pregnant right now, would you abort the baby?: Not at all.

Did you ever have braces?: I did.

Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting?: Um..I can doodle and sketch small things. And I can paint a little, but not enough to actually be good at it.

Is your phone right next to you, or at least close by?: It’s about 12 inches away from me.

Do you ever want to get married?: Yes please.

Does your bedroom need cleaning?: I should vacuum it.

Do you have a pool?: Nope.

Will you hold hands with the last person you held hands with again?: Yes.

Have you ever just felt like giving up?: There’s been several times in my life, yes.

Are you an emotional person? I’m not made of stone, but I do keep my feelings fairly low-key. <— Swiped!

When is the last time you were at the hospital?: I was in the parking lot of a hospital a few years ago. Does that count? I was babysitting for a friend of mine, long term, and she was in the hospital due to a miscarriage, so her husband called me to pick up their daughter so she wouldn’t have to hang around the hospital.

Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly?: There’s quite a few.

What if the last person you texted told you they had feelings for you?: I’d be completely flattered.

Who was the last person to touch your stomach besides you?: A little kid.

Cried recently?: A couple of weeks ago.

Who introduced you to your current significant other? If youÂ’re single, who introduced you to your last ex?: I introduced myself to him.

Anybody ever tell you that “you could do so much better” about a person?: No, luckily. Well, no…I take that back. I’ve been told that about a few people that I kept forgiving for being complete asses. I was told I should drop “the parasites” because they weren’t good friends and I could do better. Does that count? Never about a relationship, though.

Has anyone told you they missed you lately?: Yes! Tobey! Just a few hours ago, in fact.

Have you ever gotten back together with someone after breaking up? Why?: Nah. I move on. I can’t say it wouldn’t happen in the future, though.

Do you think struggles make you stronger?: Sometimes. I think if the struggle is long enough or if multiple struggles pile up, it really wears you down.

Do you dread certain days of the week?: Not really, no.

Well…that was fun.

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I liked reading this. For some reason the “Well…that was fun.” made me laugh and I’m not sure why. *hugs* I loves you!

October 14, 2013

RYN: Actually it irritated me quite a lot lol. And GUUUUUUH NOW I GOTTA STEAL THIS ONE TOO!

October 15, 2013

In my opinion, mini golf is real golf, so yes, it counts! 😉

October 15, 2013

Might have to steal this later 🙂

*steals* ^_^