It’s my world, I’ve paved my way

Bummer… all that writing in my last entry and only one person noted. Such as life. Thanks to whoever read it, though!

And now, a survey stolen from [Robbie]. It’s been a while since I’ve done one.

1. Do you print or write in cursive? What does your handwriting look like?: I think pretty much all of you have seen my quirky writing by now! It’s kind of a mish-mash of printing and cursive. But for the sake of argument, I’ll say that I only ever print unless I’m signing my name to something.

2. What are your three favorites smells?: Barn smells (horse, hay, leather…even manure), tree smells (pine, fir, etc…) and lilacs. I have lots of other favourite smells, but that takes me way past three, so I’ll leave it at that.

3. If you could exist in a healthy manner on 1 hour of sleep a day but you could never dream again, would you?: Yes, for sure. I don’t feel like I need dreams to function, and most of the time I forget them anyway. Plus, I sleep horribly as it is, so there are definitely times when I’ve existed on a single hour per day or even a single hour per every few days.

4. How do you sign-off in written correspondence?: Most of the time it’s some version of, “I love you,” as long as I’m writing to someone I care about. If it’s a more formal letter, it’s “sincerely”.

5. If you had to eat the same breakfast for the rest of your life (though all other meals were unaffected), what would it be?: I think…it might be a pork roll (“taylor ham”…ish), egg and cheese on a kaiser roll. That’s a Jersey invention and it’s very good.

6. You’re given a free, no-strings-attached round-trip flight voucher to any city for the upcoming three day weekend. You leave Friday night and return late Monday. Where do you go?: It’s got to be a city? I think I’d head for Vancouver, BC to visit Jen! I don’t think I know anyone else who lives in a CITY-city.

7. Do you have any hidden talents?: Hidden talents? Like what? I can cross my eyes and roll my tongue. That sort of thing? I don’t think I have any other hidden talents like that.

8. You’re on a road trip across the country – what are your must have items?: My road trip friends! My cameras and all my camera gear, money, postcards (which I’d pick up along the way), pens, stamps, a couple of notebooks, my cell phone and all my chargers for cameras and phone, blankets, pillows, typical suitcase stuff like clothes and toiletries, camping gear, snack food, a GPS, books, my Kindle, my teddy bear, perhaps a sock monkey for picture taking adventures, guide books, a destination plan and list of all the places we’d all want to stop to see… umm…have I forgotten anything? I think that’s a good list.

9. What was your senior quote for your high school year book?: I can’t remember, but I do remember that it took me days to find one that I really liked and wanted to use.

10. What item(s) do you always carry on your person?: When I was in high school, a friend of mine and I called our bags “our lives” since we carried everything around in there. That being said… a book, keys,phone, camera(s), checkbook, cedit card, debit card, ATM card, cash, pain meds, allergy meds, chapstick, gum, tissues, pens, my address book, a small note pad, my wallet (with all my cards and cash) including any store discount cards. I can’t think of anything else at the moment. I’d have to dump my bag out and look.

11. You wake up in the middle of the night and someone unknown is in your room. You have no idea if they are friendly or not. What do you do?: My initial reaction would be to panic, pretend to be asleep and slowly hide under the covers and hope they go away.

12. You now have the ability to enhance/gain a talent. What would it be?: I would love to be more artistic and more musical. I left that stuff behind a long time ago. I focus much more on photography these days, but I really would love to be more crafty and artsy. I’d also love to be an amazing magician.

13. If you could magically travel into a movie, which one would it be? Which character are you?: Good question. I tend to watch mostly horror movies, Disney movies or semi-depressing ‘indie’ movies, so I’m not sure I’d really like to be one of the characters. Can I be a director instead? Because I’d love to have directed any Johnny Depp or Christian Bale movie.

14. You are space traveler landing on an unknown planet and you must gather information of said planet. How would you gather this information?: Tons of photos and samples of anything I find lying around?

15. You have been selected to participate in a battle royale. What weapon will you hope to get?: I’m pretty dynamite with an archery set, but a sword would do just as well too.

16. Tell me a quick funny story.: How about a scary one instead. “You’re the last known person on the planet when suddenly there’s a knock at the door.”

16. You’re friend has been bitten by a zombie. There is a known cure but you have no idea where it is nor how to get a hold of it. Will you take the risk of your friend turning by looking for the cure or will you put them out of their misery?
I am worried about the duplicate sixteens as well. Also, the fact that this sentence should begin with “your”. <— Me too
If I have no idea where this cure is or where to look for it, I’d search for as long as I could before said friend is completely zombified, and if I couldn’t find it and was now at risk…well…sorry, friend. Off with your head.

17. You have been chosen to rule over the world! What is the first thing you do?: Shove idiots into volcanoes, move to an isolated mountain range, befriend a wolf pack, buy a baby moose and raise it, invite friends to live with me at my palace and help me rule the world. I’d do all of this simultaneously.

18. What is a timeline of how you want the next ten years of your life to play out?: I can’t give you a timeline, but I’d love to be married with kids and a place of my own within the next couple of years. We’ll see.

19. What is something you miss about childhood?: Not having a care in the world about paying bills.


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February 3, 2013

don’t feel bad about the notes… for some reason the updates aren’t showing half the time on my bookmarks. I always read, if not noting…

February 3, 2013

can i help you rule the world? i really like your game plan. :o)

11 and 16 made me laugh. I read. I’m just shy about noting. I DON’T KNOW!

February 4, 2013

number 11 would cause huge fright for me. x

February 5, 2013

ryn: the house at the end of the street was great…lots of cool twists and turns, definitely worth watching.

February 5, 2013

Your answers to #17 pretty much rocked my socks. – random noter,