I’m repeating myself, my words

I feel like doing a survey! It’s not terribly exciting, but I have some new readers, so I thought I’d go through some things again.

1 How long have you been a member of Open Diary?: I’ve been here since 2001, even though I believe my first entry shows a date of 2004. The first three years were lost to a hacker attack.

2 How old were you when you began your Diary?: 2001 would have put me at age 18. I believe I started this not THAT long after high school graduation.

3 Have you had more than one diary hosted on Open Diary?: I have this main one that I’ve written my personal thoughts in, another one that’s a diary for the short stories I very occasionally write, another one that used to be a graphics diary (which I no longer update) and a final one that was for photos (which I crapped out with after just a couple of months).

4 What’s the story behind your diary name? Your diary title?

Nocturnal State: because I’ve always adored the night time much more than the day and I spend 99% of my life awake at night and sleeping during the day. I keep vampire hours, which suits me just fine!

Metanoia: I just recently heard this word and it struck a chord, so I decided to use it. It means: “a transformative change of heart”. I feel like I’m constantly growing and constantly changing for the better, the older I get, so it seemed fitting.

5 Have you, or do you still, write in other places? Where? (Personal blogs, paper notebooks, other diary-specific sites): I used to have a LiveJournal prior to coming to OD. And when OD was down for ages and ages a year or so ago, a few of us started diaries at…Bloop, was it? But I haven’t updated the LJ since I was about 17 and I haven’t updated the Bloop (I think that’s the name. Correct me if I’m wrong) since my first entry.

6 To your knowledge, who is your longest reader?: I believe the people who have known me the longest have all known me for about the same amount of time! It’s been at least a decade since I’ve met Heidi, Diane, Spooky and Azriel. 🙂

7 Have you met anyone from Open Diary in person?: Yes! Jen and I met slightly over 2 years ago when I had a chance to travel out west.

8 Have you forged a romantic relationship with anyone on Open Diary?: Nope! That was formed in a different way before I had an OD, I believe.

9 Do you let your significant other/family/friends read your diary? Why or why not?: I’ve let Treve read before, but he doesn’t keep up, which is fine. He doesn’t write here either, which is also ok. 🙂 But aside from that, no.. I don’t let family or people I know ‘in real life’ read here.

10 Why do you choose to keep your diary public OR keep your diary Friends Only?: I choose to keep it public, although I may put certain entries as ‘friends only’. I really don’t care who reads me these days and I have nothing to hide.

11 Name your three biggest life changes that have happened since you started writing in Open Diary.: Relationship, job loss, friend loss.

12 Link to (or describe) your favorite personal entry to date.: I can’t say I have one!

13 Do you participate in Diary groups, Weekly Themes, and/or boards?: No, I never really got into any of that.

14 Do you think you censor yourself because you know there may be an audience reading?: I’ll have to admit, I do. I try to tailor what I say, knowing that certain people will be reading. I can still say what I’d like, but maybe not in the way that I’d like it to be said. So it’s not the end of the world.

15 What do you write first? Your entry or your entry title?: I always have an entry in mind, so I find song lyrics to fit it. Then I write the title and finish the entry. Voila!


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June 8, 2013

I started my diary 2000 but deleted the first four years before shannon died. xx

Maybe I’ll do this later 😀