I wanna scream ‘I love you’
This is just a super quick entry to let you guys all know that I’m still here. I haven’t posted in OD in ages because of all the problems and I just wasn’t able to or I got sick of dealing with it…whatever the situation. Anyway, I’m still here, I still read and I try to note now and again. Mostly I’ve been checking Prosebox more often, though. If you haven’t yet, you can find me over there under the same name. I don’t post there any more often than I post here, but such is life. I’ll get back into it. For now I’m more of an observer than a participant.
glad you’re still here, even if i already knew that.
– Noah
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This is exactly what I would post if I could be arsed, minus the Prosebox stuff. I still love everyone and I’ll be back, but there were too many problems for a while.
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