Go home while you know the way

Project 365×12 OD.
Original Project365.

Go to Monkeyville and buy! Created and owned by Phoenix poet,who will also make custom monkeys for you to love.

Go to saturdayatmidnight and buy! Created and owned by hi,phantom,who is an amazing jewelry artist!

Go to Oh,Rats and buy! Created and owned by Thylacine,who has a store with lovely hand-drawn cartoon versions of her pet rats on fun products!

So, a good friend of mine co-wrote this survey with his girlfriend and I decided to do it. Ideally, it should be done within a month, but I’m a slacker and have very little ambition to write these days, even though I do read and check on you all daily (and/or multiple times a day). So we’ll see how it goes!

15 prompts
To be done within a month.

1. Tell us 5 quirky things about yourself, 5 things you’re afraid of, and 5 indulgences you partake in regularly.
2. Name the last movie, song, book, piece of artwork, or performance that moved you to tears or joy. Explain why.
3. And now for something completely different! Name the last movie, song… yada yada yada… that angered or disgusted you. Explain why in detail without insults or personal attacks.
4. Does sex play an important role in maintaining a healthy relationship for you? Explain why.
5. What one thing would you want to do most if you could be a member of the opposite sex for a day?
6. Name 6 unexpected turn-ons. Why do they turn you on?
7. Describe a bad habit from your childhood that you still have.
8. What are 8 questions you’ve always wanted to see on a survey?
9. Answer your questions from day 8.
10. Share a moment that stands out as one of the happiest in your life to date.
11. You can cure AIDS, or solve world hunger. Which do you choose? (If you feel like explaining why, go for it.)
12. Take a picture of something from your workplace that someone who doesn’t work there may never see. Explain why you chose this and what it means to you.
13. Name 13 things you hope your parents never find out about.
14. List 14 choices you’ve made in your life that have led to where you are and who you’ve become.
15. Name something unexpected that you learned about yourself as a result of completing the previous 14 prompts.
Written by silverstorm19 and Bellwether.

2. Name the last movie, song, book, piece of artwork, or performance that moved you to tears or joy. Explain why.:

Hmm…this is sort of easy, but sort of not. I don’t get ‘moved to tears’ EVER, either positively or negatively, by movies,songs, books, artwork or performances. I’m able to disassociate enough that things don’t get to me that way. However, I was ‘moved to joy’ by my own photography just recently! I know that sounds egotistical, but it wasn’t that it was such a great picture that I was thrilled. (I’m always striving to do better.) It was that I had a life goal of trying to capture a lightning bolt on camera and when I finally did, I was excited!



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September 6, 2012

one of these days, I’ll get one too 🙂

September 6, 2012

nice! 😀 – noah

September 6, 2012

that photo is beautiful wow xxx

September 6, 2012

Oh um we had that photo assignment that I haven’t gotten to yet. Oops. 😉 I haven’t forgotten, I just never have the ambition when I have the time.

That’s so awesome that you could capture it!!!

i feel ya on the ‘no motivation to write’ thing. i’m feeling the same. Gorgeous photo. ^_^

I saw that you were a participant in DePhoMo and thought you may enjoy a photo prompt month in October. If so, you may visit us here :-)….. http://www.opendiary.com/entrylist.asp?authorcode=D933939 Hope to see you there!!

September 10, 2012

See now that is cool- I’ve never been able to do that. Have you ever seen those super high speed cameras capture one? It looks like a series of sparks all linked together- so creepy!

September 16, 2012

ryn. *EDIT: the eyes on these monsters are safety eyes and will not come off, but! these monsters will be reserved for older kids anyways. carson will be the only 1yo at this party and he has his own special monster. and all the monsters will go home with special instructions from the mom. we arent trying to kill kids here 🙂

October 5, 2012

I Love that lightning picture! RYN: I’ll add you! It’s a nice dynamic at OD.

This looks fun. I might do this. Freaking cool photo, bro. Oh wait you’re not a bro sorry. ryn: *returns stalks and hugs!* -Robbie