Everything in me gets tongue-tied and nerdy

Shamelessly, heartlessly stolen from [Chris] because I have nothing better to do at 4am. 🙂

Some random guy comes up to you and says “Hey what’s your name?” What do you do?: I’d probably ask why he wants to know before I give him my name. I’ve never set foot inside a bar, but I’ve had this happen to me on more than one occasion. It’s unnerving!

What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?: I’m eating ice at the moment.

What did you do yesterday?: Yesterday…yesterday… I had a stupid dream about going camping with Bill Cosby, I watched some YouTube videos, replied to some emails, tried to keep the dog in check because she insists on barking at thunder and I spied on the neighbours a bit because I saw someone suspicious walking around outside their house with a flashlight around 8:30pm.

Pick a scar on your body – what did you do?: Right thumb- when I was 3, my mother was doing spring cleaning and was washing out all of her flower vases to put them away. I wanted to help so I picked one up. She warned me not to hold it too hard or it would break. I squeezed it and shattered it, slicing my thumb (on the palm side) open. I still have a 2 inch scar there.

If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where would you go?: Vermont, Alaska or Canada. 🙂

Do you watch sitcoms religiously?: No, the only thing I watch religiously is this ‘reality’ show “Beyond Scared Straight” because I like to watch all the little punk kids get screamed at by these huge prisoners 3 times their size. And then they cry. And I laugh. Call me sadistic.

Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?: Is…that even possible? No, no I haven’t.

Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?: Lying and intolerance.

Are you afraid of falling in love?: Of course not! I’ve been with the same guy for the last 10 years, give or take. 🙂

Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new girl/guy?: No way! It makes me sad when people do this.

What features do you find most attractive in gender you’re attracted to?: Well…my mother will tell you that I’ve been most attracted to ‘nerdy’ guys since I was a teeny tiny tot. I remember having a crush on the nerdiest guy from the 80’s tv show “Riptide” when I was 2 or 3. Not a whole lot has changed since then! I do love a guy with long hair and glasses, although none of that is a make-it-or-break-it for me. I’ve never actually dated the kind of guy I thought I would end up with. I’ve dated a ‘too cool’ musician, an EMT, two firefighters, a military brat (who I was engaged to), a guy who wanted to be an actor but worked in a video rental place and my computer nerd/comic book reader/gamer current, long-term boyfriend. So the features I find most attractive definitely don’t matter. 🙂

How many kids do you want to have?: I’ve always wanted four.

Would you make a good parent?: I think so! It’s all I’ve ever really wanted.

Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?: Now it’s the fact that I’m 30 and don’t have kids yet. Thanks, survey!

Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: Nope!

Did you get sick today?: Was I supposed to?! No, no I didn’t.

Have you ever done something in your parents’ bed?: Such as…? Watched tv, slept there? Then yes!

What are your plans for the weekend?: Probably nothing since it’s been so miserably hot.

Are you happy right now?: Not particularly. I’m kind of sleepy.

Drunk dialer or drunk texter?: Neither, but I’d most likely text if I ever got drunk.

Are you talking to someone while doing this?: Nope! Just me, myself and I here.

Would you hug your most recent ex?: I surely would. 🙂

What do you want?: I…can’t tell you that. *wink wink*

What would you call your body type?: I’m going to steal Chris’ idea, but I must change his answer to ‘female’. 🙂

Are you a morning person?: Only if I’m still awake!

Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you?: Yes! I’m a Grammar Nazi.

Are you good at wrapping gifts for others?: I do well enough to pass.

Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room?: I do, yes.

Do you enjoy big holiday dinners?: Umm…yeah, sorta. I don’t enjoy having too many people around,though.

Is your vision good?: I think so, yes.

Is there any piece of jewelry you’re constantly wearing?: I always have 7 earrings in my right ear and 6 in my left (although I do have one more hole in each ear that I don’t wear anything in) as well as thumb rings on my left hand, my class ring on my left middle finger and the ring Treve gave me on my left ring finger, my birthstone ring on my right ring finger and two silver ones on my middle and pointer fingers of my right hand. I wear lots of jewelry ALWAYS. But occasionally I’ll throw on a necklace and/or ‘friendship bracelet’ kind of thing.

What makes you the most angry when it comes to people?: So many things about people irritate me. Chris said that he’s written an entry about this and I feel like now I should too…someday.

Do you know any genuinely friendly people?: Oh, lots! Yes.

Do you buy your friends gifts?: I DO! I just can’t afford to mail them.

Would you rather wear necklaces or earrings?: Earrings. Although I love my necklaces too. I’m just not in the habit of wearing them often.

Do you enjoy watching fights?: Nah. It’s a bit barbaric for me.

Where are your parents as of now?: Sleeping.

How much money do you have on you right now?: Not a dime.

Are you wearing makeup at the moment?: Chapstick. Does that count??

Do you think freckles are cute?: Sure. 🙂

Do you consider yourself short?: I’d say I’m average at 5’5″.

Are you outside a lot?: No. There’s bugs and nature out there! Actually, I love nature but I hate bugs. And I hate heat. So lately I’ve been inside a lot due to both of those things.

Have you ever been dumped via text message?: Yes! I was dumped by my best friend and kicked out of her wedding via text and email.

Do you consider yourself spoiled?: My friends all spoil me so much.:)

Would you say you think you have a mental disorder of some kind?: Umm…I don’t feel like I do! But maybe you all know something I don’t know.

What is one clothing fad you wish never existed?: I have to agree with Chris here too when he said the whole ‘jeans worn too low’ thing on guys. That’s just a stupid fad.

Has anyone made you mad today?: Nope! Not at all.

Are you afraid people won’t accept you?: No, not particularly. It’s easier to be accepted in certain situations, but in the end it doesn’t matter.

Are you, for the most part, an honest person?: Yeah, I’ve recently been told twice, by two different people within two days that I’ve more or less ‘called them out’ simply by being honest and observant.

Are you the type of person who gets straight to the point?: More and more as I get older, yes.

Do you enjoy playing board games?: I do, but I can’t find anyone to play them with!

At what time do you normally go to bed?: Circadian rhythm says anywhere between 4:30-6am.

What is your favorite term of endearment?: Treve has always called me “baebe”. Yes, spelled that way. I introduced him to the Celtic group Mediaeval Baebes and he liked the word and spelling so much that he stole it to use for me. It’s sweet and it’s special and ’tis all mine. 🙂 But really, any cutesy thing people want to call me is just fine. It’s all sweet.

What brand of lotion do you use?: I don’t use lotion. I learned working at the veterinary clinic that pet hair sticks to hand lotion without ever even having to touch a pet. I have a long haired dog and the dog hair sticks to me enough as it is!

On a scale of 1 to 10, how tired are you right now?: Maybe about a 4. I also have a headache, though. Stupid weather.

Whose wedding did you last attend?: My coworker Lynn’s about 8 years ago.

Are you a rebel?: Umm…not so much in acts, but in ideas.

Do you tap your foot when you listen to music?: So often!

Homemade or store bought cards?: I buy them.

When did you last eat popcorn?: Within the week. I made it in a pot on the stove! Impressed?

Have you ever done community service?: It was never labeled as such, but I do volunteer my time.

Orange or purple?: Purple, if I have to choose.

Are any of your friendships on a fine line?: I feel that a couple of them might be.

If I search your room will I find birth control?: Actually, yes, but it’s SO old that it’s no good anymore. And it’s cherry flavoured.

Do you expect any of your exÂ’s to call or text you?: Jason texts me now and again, but I never expect it. It’s more like a pleasant surprise.

Have you ever witnessed a birth?: I have! Animal, though, not human.

Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed?: Ideally, soaking in the tub with a good book.

Have you ever faked sick?: I have and I don’t regret it! We all need mental health days.

Do you wear hoodies to bed?: No…is that really comfortable?

Are you currently wearing jeans?: I am.

Do you buy eggnog around the holidays?: No, I hate the taste.

Have you gone to a coffee shop within the past week? [i.e. Starbucks]: Nope! I don’t like coffee.

Would you rather have a square or a round pizza?: Let’s say…square, just to be a rebel. (Ooh! See? I do have moments!)

Would you like to be able to read thoughts?: I would.

Do certain swear words just roll off your tongue?: A couple do, but I really try to refrain from using them too often because I don’t want them to become a habit since I watch kids.

Are you often the last one to understand a joke?: Almost never.

Can experience be gained just by reading? Knowledge, not experience. <– I agree with this. <—I'm leaving this answer.

Your first black eye: Did you give it or get it?: No black eyes around these parts. OH! No. I did give one once. I was about 3. I was sitting on my father’s lap and I told him to hold his fist up in front of his face. I pulled his fist back and let go and he punched himself in the eye. Either I was, once again, a sadistic, yet intelligent little creep of a kid or he was just that stupid.

Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive?: Hmm…Chris said “talented maybe, but not more attractive,” which I agree with. But I also think talent makes people in general attractive. So…I guess in the long run, yes.

Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out?: When I was little, I kept setting up the tent in the back yard to sleep in during the summer, but I don’t remember ever doing it.

What does your hair look like at the moment?: I recently cut my own bangs, so I’m trying to get used to that and I’m trying to figure out how they work best so it doesn’t make me look like Moe from the Three Stooges. But currently my hair has been straightened and put up into a ponytail.

Are you mad right now?: Nope!

Did you eat a cookie today?: I actually did! I found birthday cake Oreos and I just ate one of those a couple hours ago.

Does a person using the word “Dude” make you think less of them because they donÂ’t seem as educated enough to use other words?: No way because I do it too. A lot.

How do you think itÂ’ll feel to be 19? If you already reached that age, how was/is it?: Nineteen was ok. I don’t think I have any qualms about being that age.

When was the last time youÂ’ve went to Chuck E. CheeseÂ’s?: I’ve never been! I’m sorta glad about that.

Do you remember things, or do you have to write them down?: It depends on what it is. Generally I’m great at remembering things.

Who is your best guy friend(s)?: So many people! Treve, Ashley, Heather, Az, Tobey, Viv, Ninja Writer, Jen, Julie, Diane, Stephanie… I have a lot of people I love and consider to be my closest friends.

Do you tend to make things complicated?: Almost never. I’m more rational and logical and I tend to keep things pretty simple.

Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?: I wouldn’t mind a year-round tan so I didn’t get so pasty-white, and I hate baking in the sun. But I’m really ok with my skin tone.

Where did you get drunk last?: My bedroom, back when I was newly 21.

When you’re at the beach/pool, do you go swimming or lay out?: I don’t go to pools or beaches. I hate the sand and I despise salt water and I never know what’s in the ocean water that might touch me that I can’t see and…I just don’t do it. 🙂

There we have it! And gooooodnight.


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You need to get over that fear of beaches! 😉

July 21, 2013

Really, random guys have asked your name?? They just come up and are like “Hey babby, whatz ur name?”? It sounds like Beyond Scared Straight taught you a thing or two about managing Boyz. 😉 Whoa, you’ve dated two firefighters?? Lucky! ;D I would play boardgames with you! I guess sometimes we do through Facebook. Hey, homemade bangs! I’m all on board with those.:D I would never thinking someone is less intelligent for saying dude… That’s a weird question. Is the smart alternative to say “Goodfellow” or something?

July 23, 2013

stealing this, cuz I’m bored and you are apparently dead. ~

I’m super impressed that you cut your own bangs! I wish I had the skill/patience to do that 🙂 And now I’m going to have to look up that show you mentioned “Beyond Scared Straight” ryn: Glad you enjoyed the ritual entry 🙂 It’s amazing how quickly manifestation works through energy purification. I always get a lot of signs after a ritual and it’s comforting.

ryn: My beliefs have definitely evolved, I can’t say for sure that past lifes are real but some things have happened that make me seriously consider it. Last summer I took a group Reiki class to learn how to channel healing energy, and the teacher had to do an initiation ritual. We all sat in a circle with the lights dimmed, and she put on some healing music. I’m not sure exactly what she was

doing because my eyes were closed and I was sort of drifting in my mind. But when she touched my crown and blew into it, I had a vision of a huge bright swirling light and all of these little lights were traveling in and out of it. I saw one of the lights that I recognized as myself (or felt, I don’t know how to describe it). I was coming out of that light and choosing to be born.

It was a very emotional experience for me, especially because I had recently had a painful experience relating to my mother (literally the night before). So I felt like I was receiving confirmation from the universe that I was meant to be exactly where I was at the moment, seeing the moment my soul decided to choose this life. Since then I have often wondered about that great swirling light,

speculating that it’s the place we return to when we die and leave when we’re born, like we’re all tiny pieces of that source of light. It makes sense to me that maybe we could chose to experience another life if our souls haven’t learned what they need to. And then there are other things that make me question, like meeting soul mates.

Or feeling a really strong pull to a time period or culture without any explanation. I’ve also had some really powerful dreams that have made me wonder if I were glimpsing past lives. I don’t know if we’re meant to remember much of them though, I guess we could if our higher self or spirit guides thought we needed to for some purpose of growth?

It seems to me that the more we question something, interactions or experiences are drawn into our lives to help us. Ironically this whole quest for Spiritual connection started when I watched this documentary about Quantum Mechanics called The Quantum Activist. I was just really drawn to science at the time, and then hear a scientist taken about non-local consciousness? Well I just had to explore

*talking about I could talk for hours about all this though so I’ll stop rambling! I welcome your thoughts 🙂