Dear [Diva of Dorks],

Dear [Diva of Dorks], thank you for your note!! I’d love to respond to you, but I’m getting a message that says, “The author has blocked your access to this diary page, and you can not access it.” So perhaps you have your OD set to ‘friends only’? Either way, if you see this and want to add me so I can respond, that’s great. If not, that’s fine too. I appreciate what you said regardless!


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ryn: Hi! How are you? It’s so weird to be back in OD land, but I feel at home since every time you hit save on an entry it gives an error. Feels like back in the day. -Draven.

October 21, 2012

RYN: only so much i can do. My dad wants to play hardball, i can be just as bad, if not worse 😉

October 25, 2012

ryn: hmm?

October 29, 2012

Ryn: In 7th grade, we had a whole hour of Penmanship, drawing ovals, etc. My mother, who also taught English & Science there (I had her!) asked that teacher to take me in hand & give me an extra hour a week as my penmanship was so awful. Today it’s still not the best. Elmo Zumwalt (General in the Navy) was the only one in my class who was worse than me.

Ryn: Thanks. -hug-

November 16, 2012

I would love to know more about the post cards. Do you have some information I could give to my uncle’s activity director?

ryn: But…but he’s the Don of a Ukrainian mob. That’s hot right?

ryn: I mean. Srsly. If you’re not in love at the 1:35 mark……then you’re probably normal and not in therapy for this shit like I am lmao!

ryn: You mean you didn’t rip off your clothes and scream “MY BODY IS READY!”? No…just me? Okay. Oh my lord. Should I be laughing so hard over that clip? I laugh every time even though I’ve seen it at least half a dozen times.

December 2, 2012

I’d love to receive a b’day. card from you! I don’t care if it’s late. I’ll put it up on my bulletin board o/my computer, & think of you whenever I look up. Thanks so much.