But it’s cool, we can still be friends

Howdy. 🙂 I have some new readers, so I thought it might be fun to do kind of a ‘facts about me’ entry. I’m going to try to make it random and not boring so even you guys who have been with me for years don’t fall asleep. Here goes!

1. I’m 30, Female and my birthday is in February. No, I can’t pinpoint when I was conceived.

2. I only like even numbers and numbers in increments of 5. Every time I go shopping, I compulsively tend to buy 2 of things. Not everything, mind you, but I try to keep lots of things at even numbers (or 5’s).

3. I’m extremely hands-on. I can figure almost anything out, given enough time to play with it. I don’t learn well by just reading. If I can do something and I get the chance to do it once, I can usually recall it years later, such as driving to a strange place. If I’m a passenger, I get lost. If I drive it, I can remember.

4. Every time I get really into something, I decide I want to it for the rest of my life. Example: I watched a reality show about midwives and decided I wanted to deliver babies. I watched a reality show about Alaskan bush pilots and decided I wanted to fly. I watched a show about being a guard in a juvenile prison and decided I wanted to work with troubled kids. But I talk myself out of it just as quickly, hence the reason I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

5. I think I’ve finally narrowed down what I want to someday get for tattoos. I’ve always wanted at least one, but I had SO many awesome ideas and my life kept changing so some were no longer relevant. But now I know the two themes that keep popping up in my life over and over again. I mentioned in my last entry that I live by the life philosophy “it is what it is,” so I think I’d like that quote somewhere. I can’t decide if I want to pay an homage to my Spanish heritage by getting it done in Spanish or English, though. The other one I’d like to get is a quote that came to me in a dream once. It said, “I’m living in colour with a black and white soul.” I’ve always felt like I was born in the wrong year, decade, century. So to me, that quote says that I’m living in the present but longing for past years in which I never got to live. (Everything was in black and white before 1950, wasn’t it? Tv says so. :))

6. I have extremely simple tastes. I don’t need fancy name brands or expensive things to be happy. I have one expensive camera and some accessories as well as one expensive high school class ring, but that aside, I’m monetarily worth very little. And I’m very much ok with that. I like not being sucked into brand names and fancy things.

7. I believe in 6th senses. There are people I immediate have gut reactions to after first meeting them and they become a big part of my life based on instinct.

8. I’m very honest. I calls ’em as I sees ’em and I don’t beat around the bush. If something seems odd or out of place, I’ll call you on it. People tend to not like being questioned sometimes because they don’t like being found out, but I feel that at this point in my life, I’m too old for games. Having the truth be known won’t change how I feel in a negative way. I’d rather just have it all out there instead of knowing there’s a huge elephant in the room and waiting for the other person to come clean.

9. I’m very much an introvert! I have no desire to be otherwise and I love my quiet little bubble of calm.

10. I hate feet.

11. I generally don’t like the colour pink as it’s always been too girly for me. My mother never dressed me in pink things when I was little (save for church dresses), my bedroom was never girly (blue and white), I never played dress-up and I never owned princess things. I had two male cousins and my little brother, so I ran around the back yard playing ‘spy’ and pretending to be the outlaw Jesse James and I collected snails and slugs and turtles and frogs just like the boys did. I’m not at all squeamish about things and I don’t mind getting dirty!

12. I am, however, an extremely picky eater and I have a bit of food OCD. I won’t eat certain foods that touch. If things with gravy or sauce or juice touch things that aren’t supposed to have that on it, I can’t eat it. Example: I won’t put salad and the main course on the same plate. Salad goes in its own bowl. I separate stuffing from the turkey and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving to keep the gravy from touching anything it shouldn’t. I still use divider plates now and again for this very reason! I can contain myself a bit better in public, though, so I’m not a total embarrassment to eat with. 🙂

13. I love sock monkeys and moose. A couple of years ago I started collecting stuffed animals that had the names of states I’d been to on them. It’s now my most recent goal to someday have a stuffed animal for every state, regardless of whether I’ve been there or not, because I’m really not much of a traveler. I also collect postcards (old news).

14. I LOVE the written word. By that, I mean handwritten letters and cards and postcards! I love to send and receive them. It doesn’t matter if I’ve never met you and/or barely know you. If you want a postcard, I’m willing to write one and send it because I enjoy it so much! It legitimately makes me sad that people don’t do that much these days.

15. I’m extremely nostalgic for things like typewriters, black and white movies, the times when men would open car doors for women and women would wear mink stoles to go out for a fancy night of dinner and dancing, for dirt streets and horses and buggies, for a lack of electricity and cooking in the fireplace, for log homes and handmade quilts, for trains and cobblestone walkways, for high shoes with buttons and pinafores and petticoats.

16. If I could see my future, I think I’d want to know what happens. I like to be prepared.

17. I don’t like clowns. No, I’m not afraid of them, they just annoy me. I don’t think they’re funny and I don’t know anyone who does. They’re walking slapstick comedy that I’ve never found enjoyable.

18. I very briefly entertained the idea of joining the army when I was eighteen. That was the year September 11,2001 happened, so I had a fleeting moment of patriotism. It passed. I’ve never cared a thing about politics and never wanted to serve my country before or after that time period. The only sense of pride in my country I do have is that we’ve grown as a nation SO much that we could accept a black man as president. This feels right to me. This feels like what freedom is all about.

19. I wish I had more artistic ability. I’m a photographer, but that’s about all I can do. My mother is a retired art teacher so I feel like I should have inherited some of that skill. I guess I did, but I don’t use it and I don’t feel drawn towards it. In the same respect, my mother can’t take a good photograph to save her life, so I guess we play well together that way.

20. You. You there, yes. I care about you. 🙂


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July 18, 2013


July 18, 2013

Very interesting factoids

July 19, 2013

Most of these are me! LOL I was like “oh yeah I do that…annnnnd that too, and that too…annnnnd that too.” So you’re either my soulmate, ooooor you’ve STOLEN MY IDENTITY!! THEEEIIIF!! lmao


Cool survey! Random question…do you believe in past lives?