Boots & cats & boots & cats & boots & cats

So…umm…this just happened.

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I was out for a walk on this mile long track, just all by my lonesome, listening to awesome music and belting my little black heart out. I was halfway around the track when I looked up and saw a van full of inmates dressed in orange walking at me. GREAT. Best part of the deal? The dude in charge was SITTING IN THE VAN. Several incredibly awkward minutes and some horrible, weird cat-calls later, I had my ear buds in, sunglasses on and I was high-tailing it back to the truck.

It’s been one REALLY weird day and it’s not even close to being over. And people wonder why I never leave the house. Or my bedroom. Oy.

PS: The lovely little cat-calls these guys were making lasted from that first brown building to right where I was standing. It’s really not as much fun as it sounds. However, I did manage to avoid being shot, shanked and killed, so I suppose that’s not such an awful thing.

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September 29, 2013


September 29, 2013

Well, that’s creepy. But not getting shot, shanked and murdered is always a good thing.

September 29, 2013

RYN: Thank you kindly.

September 29, 2013

They let our inmates wander like that as well and the guy stays in the van. Of course they only let them do it along the bypass so I’m sure if one tried to make a run for it, they’d be getting creamed by someone going 70MPH lol