This burning hole

I cannot stomach what’s been happening lately, the lives that have been affected by immaturity and fucking being a total dickhead. You portray yourself as being so great and so glorious and yet you do not have basics of shit. I will never forgive or forget how you actively fucked my friendship up with Aki. How you were so fucking insecure that you had the nerve to drag me into your issues. And then turn around and tell her you were wrong. How bad did you really feel that you did not even tell Aki to wish me on Easter? You were so wrong that you felt the need to delete and block me off fb? Or send me a text? Well fuck you, birthdays, occassions, you are never fucking getting a text from me ever. No help in anything, ever! If I do anything or even so much so as look at your twisted fucking face, it would only be cause of her. Cause she was/is my concern, not you. Never you!

Her and me, you can never be us, like I can never be what you are to her by name/status. You will never get the extent of our bond and how we are like family. How she changed my life around, or how I did her’s. You are a conniving, manipulated piece of shit and I was wrong, so wrong to even think you’re decent. No one decent does what you did. I am not perfect either, I have my flaws, major ones. But to pretend to be okay and do what you did, is not on. I hate you with a passion so strong that I wish she had not married you. You do not deserve her, cause you’re a whiney  bitch! So what if you offer to cook, big fucking deal, anyone who comes to a first world country does that, even if you are a spoilt fucking Pakistani boy.

I hate you for screwing up my relationship with her, I hate you!


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