She led me by love

This is such a pretty maze, full of ditractions and surprises. She led me through it, pricking myself with thorns along the way. She saw me bleed, she tried to help me heal, but all she could really see was the destination up ahead of her. She held my hand and gently walked me through it, as if she knew the place with her eyes closed. She asked me gently to not be afraid. She knew I was at her mercy, she knew how vulnerable I looked and felt. She took my hand and told me we could get through this together. I was in awe of her strength, her mind, I knew I could never love another soul as I did love her at that exact moment.

She led me by love. She knew I was going nowhere, if only I knew how to get out of it, I would be the one leading, while she followed. She asked me why did I look so lost, and I told her it was this maze, that amazes me. For what seemed like forever, I thought we were finally there. She touched my face, ruffled my hair and like a little child asked me to wait there. I did, I waited for days, she didn’t come back and when I looked around, I was standing at the exact same place where we first started.

She did indeed, lead me by love, but once she reached her destination, her time, I was nothing but a mere child who could so easily be left behind.

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