What a Weekend

Oh wow..it was a great weekend. It was a three day weekend, that pretty much ended in my crashing in the bed Sunday and not getting up unless it was vital to life, or life threatening..neither of which happened. However..Monday morning, i get this great call from the daycare..you lil boys got poop running all down his legs can you come get him. The dreaded tummy virus has arrived and will soon be making its way to a home/family near you. I get there to pick him up, and they have him stripped down naked and on the potty. His little arms are just shaking. He looked pitiful. At this point, having been woken up and pissed that my son is pretty much being tortured i let them have it. With both barrels and dirty words too. Not lady like i know, but so what. Hes my kid, its my job to defend him. 

But back to this weekend, We started out on a Thursday, yay City Limits, of course we had fun, but we ended up at Ortons where i was busted making out with the DJ..while my Queen tried to entertain the Toby Kieth look-a-like shadow..god hes Hott..but hes so just after a piece of ass. I came home and went to bed with my girl, i love her so much, i dont think i have told her that today. Hey Queenie..I love you. Friday night i started out on my own and met up with a couple of friends at The Reel Cafe..we later went back to City Limits for some more shit kicken good times, lol. My queen ended up being pursued by this hot guy i went to high school with. Hes such a player sometimes, We have both taken to ignoring his text messages for the most part. Sat night, i had an actual date. yes a date, with a boy. A redneck boy, those are my favorite kinds. I actually have known his family for most of my life, hes older than me, and his oldest child is 15..half my age, hahahaha. I am so not step-mother material.  We had a good time, we went to just a local hangout and did Karaoke, I brought him home with me. Thats not something  i do often.  Anyway that was a glance at my weekend. I have a lil boy sitting on my lap fussing about batteries for his game, and wanting some attention so i will be back later to elaborate on the beginning of the week. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Talk to you all soon!!!

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August 7, 2007

I love you too baby girl! I’m glad you had a good weekend. I kinda sorta like the redneck boy. He sure is redneck tho lol He calls me ‘little lady’. It’s sweet lol Love!

August 7, 2007

aww I Hope he gets to feeling better soon that’s just nuts I’d gone off on them too.. sounds like you both had a great weekend :o)

August 7, 2007

ryn: HAHAHA Yes Ma’am I am going to take advantage of you this evening. Beware 🙂

August 7, 2007
August 7, 2007

ryc: your absolutely right he is YOUR kid, I don’t blame you I’d be going nuts lol they’d have to escort me out and then I’d have traumatised my own child hahaha. My weekend was pretty good I can’t complain but this week is just AWESOME lol. I hope your having a great week 🙂