Last Night

Okay…so I’m sitting here naked waitng to see a man about a dog..yeah again, i suppose i should put some clothes on but you know the queen likes it when I run around nakie…so here i am. We went out to Fatboys last night, and i am so tired of all the lil skinny girls that sing thier asses off and then stare at the chubby girl that can…OMG..sing, imagine that. Stupid girls.
I just got off the phone with my mom..who at 8:30 in the evening is drunk, again. She never learns. No matter how many times we have to turn her barstool back over. Did i mention i just got out of the bed. My left side is killing me..i didnt hit it or anything, i think i have pinched nerve..i feel it mostly in my jaw and shoulder and hip.
Okay, so the guy about the dog..hes on his way, so let me put some clothes on,  and ill write more later!!!

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August 8, 2007

I’m sorry you got cut off! Hope you’re enjoying your time with said man lol i’m not listening……*picture me putting fingers in ears* love you!

August 8, 2007

Nakie is fun… XOXO

September 4, 2007

hmmm…naked… not sure if you remember me, im a friend of your honey.