Keeping My Distance…

Hey there friends..gosh, its been a long time!!! Well heres my update on the redneck boy! Im keeping my distance because i believe he has issues, lol. Imagine that a boy with issues. Yeah so I’m floating along in my little bubble of happiness and boom…the bottom falls out, and my bubble is burst!!! By his wife/ex-wife/crazy redneck in-bred thing..whatever you want to call her.

What had happened was….always the beginning to a great story. I asked him to call and wake me up cause’ me and Sherrie had some business to take care of , well he called while i was in the shower. So i called him back at his dads house. Yeah…ole’ girl answers the phone and was like I’m his wife..don’t call again and is just ranting and raving and so i just hung up..i knew that she popped up unannounced and unwelcome sometimes…I continue taking care of my business. So i get home and get back in the bed, yep thats when the drama started …how ironic, cause it really is where the drama started.  She calls , and was like woman to woman no fighting no drama, please don’t see my man again, to which i reply..hes not yours and i most certainly will not stop seeing him, cause i really like him. She wanted to know how much time he had been spending with me and i told the truth..A Lot!! At least every other day with numerous phone calls in between, wow, she went off. So, I’m listening, she hangs up. And then the other busy body called…his step mother. She was like don’t ever call my house again. So i give her the respect due her, with the mamm’s and what not and told her that i couldn’t do that either. His dad said i could call the house and he pays the mortgage..she sleeps in the spare room.  Well at that point said wifey gets back on the phone and says and i quote…"I will see you dead before you take my man, i eat bitches like you for breakfast" (can we say Loretta Lynn, you Aint Woman Enough to Take My Man) I responded with "do you know who my mother is, she makes snacks out of bitches like  you everyday" At which point she hung up…My mom went over there, and said wifey has went bye-bye.
So Sherrie and I decide to go and visit my brother who also called that day. I haven’t seen him in two years, so i was pretty excited.  Redneck boy called me Tuesday morning, He was like I’m so sorry , you didn’t deserve all that. I’m not with her, and haven’t been in six months. So we decide to hang out at Fatboys and do karaoke last night.. and all of the sudden it dawned on me..that crazy wifey would go to any lengths to hurt him, especially if it meant going through me…that would make it soooo much better. So i spent the night distancing myself from redneck boy and doing shots with the made us both feel better. He brought me and Sherrie roses(like that makes up for it) and tried He really did, but he also almost passed out when i told him that Sherrie took me to dinner and it was really expensive, and i knew then that he was not the guy for me…No matter what the cost, if  you really care, a nice dinner out for your girl once in a while is of no consequence, don’t you think?? So i haven’t talked to him today, and don’t plan to. If he really wanted me, he would take the time to see how i really felt!!! So after all that EFN drama..i swear it might be worth it to go all out lesbian..I mean I have a girlfriend and vibrator..really we can do all by ourselves…boys are just good to take money from and i already have one that does that, so what do i need another one for!!!!

Yay…now that all that is out, I have to tell you how tickled i was to see my baby brother, and my nieces..they are the greatest little people ever. My baby brother is special too….Im glad to have him back and that he is doing well, if you have myspace, you can check the pictures out there. Just look it up by my email address,

Hope everyone has had a great couple of days!!!!

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August 16, 2007

wow…psychoticness…is that a word?? anyway…we all have our baggage, but yeah, you definitely don’t need that bs. he’ll never get and keep a good woman with that creature lurking around!!!

September 4, 2007

sorry for all the drama..